From: John Parr, Area 8 Chair Date: January 5, 2004 Subject: Area 8 Report to Region 3 Excom, January 2004 I recommend that Dr. Anthony Richardson of the University of Evansville be reappointed as Area 8 Vice Chair for 2004. Dr. Richardson has agreed to serve in that office if appointed by the Region Director. Area 8 Chair's Goals for 2004: 1. Continue to develop more frequent and consistent communication with the three sections in Area 8. 2. Make sure all sections have their reports in on time (Meetings, Officers and Financial) 3. Make contact with all section chairs within Area 8 at least four times this year. 4. Ensure that all sections are aware of, and encourage them to send a representative to Southeastcon. 5. Encourage all section officers to participate in leadership training opportunities. 6. Establish a time and date, and arrange a teleconference with Area 8 Section Chairs and the Region 3 Directors by January 23, 2004.