Leadership Development Report January 12, 2004 Plans for 2004 are to build on the new modules and increased interest in leadership and professional development of our leaders at all levels of our region. There are some new development initiatives: 1. Support the LDO project with training modules and instruction; 2. Develop and Provide training for the R3 Excom and committee members in late Winter 2004 (late February target); 3. Provide at least three area-level training workshops for area/council/section/chapter officers and volunteers in diverse locations in the Region; 4. Develop new modules to support the current curriculum as needed by our volunteer leaders. I will also be working with HQ Section / Chapter Support personnel to incorporate our training with the standardized training for volunteers throughout the IEEE, first in Regions 1-6 (which have the same "rules") then in the non-US regions. This effort will begin at the Savannah OU Series next month. Areas identified for training sessions in item 3 above include the Virginia, NC, and Florida Councils. As always, you can find out more about training in Region 3 at https://ewh.ieee.org/r3/leadership There is also a brochure that can be printed and distributed at https://ewh.ieee.org/r3/leadership/R3LDFlier2kwbhv2_1.pdf The committee stands ready to support our hard-working volunteer leaders in Region 3! Charles J. Lord, P.E., CQMgr R3 Leadership Development Chair c.j.lord@ieee.org