Region 3 ExCom March 15, 2004 Participants (* if voting): Bellarmine*, Bower, Dawson*, Donohoe*, Duggan*, Duvall, Green*, Harris, Harrison* (chair), Hill*, Hickman*, Howard*, Lord, Parr*, Ratcliff*, Riddle, Stogner*, Twitchell*, Walcott*, David Green served as meeting facilitator at the invitation of Director Bill Harrison. Director Harrison welcomed members to the meeting. He noted that we would attempt to complete the meeting in one evening if possible. The group approved the agenda as distributed adding an item about WIE (Women in Engineering) to the discussion agenda, and noting one item that would be covered in Executive Session at the end of the agenda. The group approved two items on the consent agenda: 1. ExCom approved the minutes of it's January 2004 ExCom (e-conf) 2. ExCom received the reports that are part of the information agenda. After discussion, the group agreed that Director Harrison and Charles Lord would discuss the position related to Women in Engineering further and report back. The officers (Director, Secretary, Treasurer) referred members to their distributed written reports. Secretary Green noted that reports could still be submitted and asked that members check their address information on the roster and report any changes needed. The group discussed plans associated with the Region 3 Meeting that would be held the following week in Greensboro. SoutheastCon 2004 Conference Chair Dawson briefed the group on plans and noted that there was an issue getting a visa to bring the student hardware entry from the University of Technology, Jamaica into the country. Chip reminded members to register as a R3 Attendee. Members were invited to comment on their areas of responsibility. Most referred attendees to their reports. GOLD Chair Duvall noted that there would be a GOLD session at the meeting. Ahead of an Executive Session, Director Harrison thanked everyone for their participation and noted the second half of the meeting time (on 17 March 2004) would not be used since the ExCom's agenda was completed. The ExCom then met in Executive Session. After the Executive Session, it was announced that the ExCom had approved the ARC motion to recognize former Director Reed Thompson with the Daniel W. Jackson Award and to formally announce the award at the upcoming Region meeting. Having completed it's business, Director Harrison adjourned the meeting noting that the next meeting (e-conf) would be July 10, 2004 after the Region 3 Meeting next week. Respectfully submitted, David Green Region 3 Secretary