South Carolina Council Report - July 2004 The SouthCarolina Council held a face-to-face meeting on May 16, 2004, in Columbia to discuss the remaining of 2004 activities. The section chairs were encouraged to start the September meetings with an interesting topic to increase attendance and cpature the interest of the returning college students. Steve Carroll gave a brief report on the activities of the South Carolina Council of Engineers and Surveyors Society (SCCESS) and the recent recommendation of Dr. Fallon from the Citadel as an appointee to the SC Board of Registration for Professional Engineers. Lee Stogner gave a report on the activities of the Region 3 Membership Commiitee and encouraged each section to have an active Membership Chair and to attend the Membership E-conference. Encouragement of members to seek Sr. Member staus was also discussed. The next meeting of the council will be an E-conference on September 16, 2004, at 7:30 pm. Respectfully Submitted, Stephen G. Carroll. P.E. Chair SC Council