Area 8 Chair's Report to the Region 3 Executive Committee July 2, 2004 This report is submitted in preparation for the Region 3 Executive Committee e-conference of July 10, 2004. I participated in the Leadership by Developing Others training electronic training session on June 29. The Area 8 Vice Chair, Tony Richardson, and I have agreed to study, and put into practice, the training material on mentoring. A report on the Area 8 Chair's Goals for 2004, as of July 2, 2004: 1. Continue to develop more frequent and consistent communication with the three sections in Area 8. This effort is progress and needs more attention and effort on my part. 2. Make sure all sections have their reports in on time (Meetings, Officers and Financial) This goal was accomplished. 3. Make contact with all section chairs within Area 8 at least four times this year. This effort is not yet complete. 4. Ensure that all sections are aware of, and encourage them to send a representative to Southeastcon. This goal was accomplished, however not all sections were represented at Southeastcon. 5. Encourage all section officers to participate in leadership training opportunities. This goal has been technically accomplished; however, I do not know how many officers have participated in leadership training. 6. Establish a time and date, and arrange a teleconference with Area 8 Section Chairs and the Region 3 Directors by January 23, 2004. This goal was accomplished in January 2004. Dr. John M. Parr EE/CS Department University of Evansville Evansville, IN 47722 Tel: (812) 479-2668 Fax: (812) 479-2662