To: Region 3 ExCom Fr: David Green, Region 3 ECC Sb: Electronic Communications Coordinator Report Dt: July 9, 2004 The electronic services used by IEEE volunteers includes E-mail, mailing lists, Newsgroups, Web services, TWiki Site, IRC, aliases and as well as experimental capabilities like richer conferencing environments and collaboration services such as IEEE Virtual Communities. Goals and objectives for 2004 (with progress) 1. Keeping the aliases current. * In progress, switch from majordomo to listserv * Adding parallel section-chairs list 2. Keeping the services functioning including a. update to operating system on ie3col b. newsgroup revitalization * In progress 3. Help Region 3 Excom decide to improve or decomission the ETI database system. * Decision to decommision made * Implementation: - Create a cover page redirecting folks to new system (underway) while allowing access to legacy system - Remove legacy system, new cover page - Remove cover page replacing with redirect 4. Be an active member on the Communications Committee * Continuing * Working on several projects including face-to-face meeting support * Web Client for IRC * Virtual Communities