IEEE Region 3 RSAC Report Summer 2004 Bruce L. Walcott, RSAC Patricia Davis, RSR While school has recessed for the summer for Region 3 student members, there are items to document and progress made in student activities since the last report submitted for Southeastcon 2004 in Greensboro, North Carolina This report covers the student related activities in the following areas: - IEEE Membership Workshop - May 6-8, 2004 - SLTW Plans - Southeastcon 2005 - Student Activities IEEE Membership Workshop On May 6, a group of roughly 40 IEEE volunteers and staff met in Newark, New Jersey for an intensive 3-day workshop discussion on the plight of IEEE membership across all ranks. One of the sub-groups was charged with looking specifically at student membership. The members of this sub-group were: Ed Palacio, Facilitator Bruce Walcott Bob Tulevski Basak Yuksel Enrique Tejera David Daut Laura Durrett Prior to the meeting, input was sought from RSRs from all ten regions of IEEE. Some of the major issues discussed were the value of student membership to IEEE, the value of IEEE to student members, the financial impact of IEEE student membership, improvement of services. The major recommendations stemming from the workshop can be summarized in the following broad area: o IEEE student membership should lead the organization in terms of inclusion of emerging technical areas and sense of community. Simply put, student membership should not just mirror what IEEE does, but should lead the way in terms of attracting and serving members in emerging technical areas. o In terms of better serving our constituents, the graduate student members have separate needs/interests from undergraduate members. A second grade of student membership was recommended by the committee for those student members who have received a bachelors degree and are currently enrolled in a graduate program. o In terms of financial impact of the student membership program, the committee recommended to look hard at the actual cost of relevant services provided by IEEE to student members with the goal of determining the actual cost of IEEE student membership. o The committee also recommended that the IEEE look at adopting the ASME model of global student fees. ASME has three levels of membership dues: 100%, 75%, and 50% based upon the economic state of the specific geographic area of the prospective or renewing student member. These recommendations along with the entire report from the workshop subcommittee are currently being disseminated electronically for discussion amongst the SAC committee in preparation for the upcoming October SAC meeting. SLTWs At the student branch chair workshop held at Southeastcon 2004 in Greensboro, North Carolina, the students were asked if one single, centrally-located SLTW would be preferable to the 4-5 SLTWs currently conducted in the Fall. The overwhelming response was for a single, SLTW. The student branch at Georgia Tech has agreed to host this SLTW which is tentatively scheduled for October 2nd, 2004. This SLTW will also differ from the previous SLTW in that it will be a primarily student-organized, student-run meeting-similar to the fall planning meeting of NAESC. Ande Boyer-a long-time NAESC and IEEE active student member of UAH has agreed to help with the planning. Southeastcon 2005 Eric Ackerman and his Southeastcon 2005 committee have a good start on the planned student activities. A preliminary set of rules were disseminated at the branch counselors and branch chairs meetings at Greensboro with an additional round of comments/inputs given electronically for the next revision. The pre-college challenge started in Greensboro will be continued at Southeastcon 2005 as well as some improvements to the social awards program. The RSAC and RSR want to commend Eric and his committee for their enthusiasm and preliminary work to date!