IEEE 3 ExCom E-Conf - October 11, 2004

<DaveG> Hi, Welcome to Fourth Meeting of the 2004 ExCom ...

<DaveG> under the leadership of Director Harrison. ...

<DaveG> At his request, I am serving as your meeting ...

<DaveG> facilitator. This is a formal meeting potentially with votes. ...

<DaveG> We will have both a log (except for any ...

<DaveG> executive session) and minutes. ...

<DaveG> On our meeting page: ...

<DaveG> ...

<DaveG> we have the procedures that we will use for voting, ...

<DaveG> executive sessions, ...

<DaveG> and the roster above the agenda has an asterisk for each voting ...

<DaveG> member. ...

<DaveG> Hi Charles

<DaveG> We may complete our agenda tonight and NOT have a ...

<DaveG> Wednesday session depending on how things proceed. ...

<DaveG> Please...

<DaveG> try to type ahead of being recognized whenever practical. ...

<DaveG> What I would like to do first is have eveyone say their name ...

<DaveG> into the channel. That way we will have a log of names versus nicknames...

<DaveG> (You don't have to wait your turn for this but just do it. Now) ...

<DaveG> So to start things off: ...

<DaveG> Dave Green, Secretary / ECC

<BillR> Bill Ratcliff, R3 Communications Committee Chair

<don> Don Hill, Conference Committee Chair

<JimH> Jim Howard, R3 Past Director

<GeorgeM> George McClure, Director-Elect

<BillHarri> Bill Harrison, R3 Director

<JohnT> John Twitchell, ARC Chair

<Steve> Steve Carroll, SC Council Chair

<Charles> Charles Hickman, Treasurer

<Lee1> Lee Stogner, R3 Membership Development Chair

<dbower> David Bower, Reg 3 PIO

<DaveG> Welcome All...

<DaveG> We will use our protocol of asking for recognition to ...

<DaveG> speak by sending "C" for comment or "Q" for question into ...

<DaveG> channel and I will recognize you. Note the use of the "..." ...

<DaveG> Hi Dennis, welcome. Please introduce yourself and give your position.

<DaveG> Hi Dennis, welcome. Please introduce yourself and give your position.

<DennisD> Hi I am dennis Dice Chip aske me to rep the area2 N.c councit.

<DaveG> Welcome! I will note that with you, we have a quorum.

<DaveG> ...

<DaveG> We will use our protocol of asking for recognition to ...

<DaveG> speak by sending "C" for comment or "Q" for question into ...

<DaveG> channel and I will recognize you. Note the use of the "..." ...

<DaveG> to imply that my thought continues on the next line. ...

<DaveG> You end a line with a "." or "?" when done and the facilitator ...

<DaveG> will resume 'control'. ...

<DaveG> The consent agenda has three items: ...

<DaveG> 3a. ExCom to endorse Director's Appointments (PAO/PAOC, Industrial Rel. ...) ...

<DaveG> 3b. ExCom to approve the minutes of its March 2004 E-Conference ...

<DaveG> meeting. ...

<DaveG> 3c. The ExCom to receive the reports listed in the Information ,,,

<DaveG> Agenda ...

<DaveG> Any objection to approving them on the consent agenda? ...

<DaveG> (Any objection will move them to the action agenda). Q/C?

<DaveG> Hi DickR, please introduce yourself and give position

<DickR> Dick Riddle LDO Project Manager

<GeorgeM> Q

<DaveG> DickR are you also representing Bob Duggan (SPC) tonight?

<DickR> Yes

<DaveG> 10-4. Thanks. GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> Will the minutes of the July 10 Excom meeting be approved separately?

<DaveG> <G> No, the facilitator should check his type-ahead <G>...

<DaveG> As the on-line agenda shows, the item 3b should be ExCom to approve the minutes of its July 2004 Meeting. ...

<DaveG> We have previously approved the other minutes. Thanks GeorgeM . Q/C?

<GeorgeM> c

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> I have a few typo-type comments on the July 10 minutes, but those can be handled offline.

<DaveG> OK, unless there are objections. We will do that. Q/C?

<DaveG> Hearing no objections, we will consider the consent agenda as approved...

<DaveG> when the agenda is adopted. ...

<DaveG> There are is only one action item (which is an executive session item)...

<DaveG> and I have been informed that it must wait till Wednesday (sorry) ...

<DaveG> There are 3 discussion items on the agenda as well ...

<DaveG> as the information agenda containing reports. ...

<DaveG> Does anyone have any changes or additions to the agenda? Q/C?

<DaveG> If there are no objections, we will assume we have an agenda. Q/C?

<DaveG> We will next go through the Officer reports which are all on-line for...

<DaveG> members to read. I'll go through each officer and give them a ...

<DaveG> chance to add or highlight, Director's Report ...

<DaveG> I apologize to our Director as I forgot to allow him to insert some ...

<DaveG> introductory comments so I'll ask him to do so now along with his report...

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> Welcome All. <GAVEL SOUND> I would like to call the R3 ExCom E-conference Meeting to order...

<BillHarri> and present my "brief" report. Somehow it got longer than I had anticipated. I would like to add...

<BillHarri> that we have one more position to fill--Area 6 Chair...

<BillHarri> Brian Skelton moved from Region 3. Recommendations would be appreciated.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Director-Elect, GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> My report is complete. Questions?

<DaveG> Thanks GeorgeM, Q/C?

<DaveG> Secretary's Report ...

<DaveG> * Reports are still being accepted (several are missing) ...

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Treasurer's Report, GA Charles

<Charles> No report yet; still working on budget.

<DaveG> (Hi BobD2, please introduce yourself & position)

<GeorgeM> Q

<BobD2> Hi, all. Sorry to be late! Bob Duggan, SPC Chair

<DaveG> Thanks Charles. Q/C?

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> Question for Charles - Clarification on budget ...

<GeorgeM> The ETI database will have $4500 for 2004 (Phase 6)? Is this in competition with the Harris infosystem?

<Lee1> c

<DaveG> GA Lee1

<Lee1> The ETI database is currently shut down.

<Charles> c

<DaveG> As per prior discussions and acted on (and reported in special projects tonight). GA Charles

<Charles> The $4500 was requested last year. No request ...

<Charles> so far for 2005. I assume based on the Lee...

<Charles> comment that no request will be made for 2005.

<DaveG> From item 27 of agenda:

<DaveG> Correct, no budget request.

<DaveG> Q/c?

<DaveG> Past director report: GA JimH

<JimH> Still trying to recover from 3 Hurricanes, report is in the works.

<GeorgeM> C

<DaveG> 10-4. Thanks for all the things you have done to help folks in your area. GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> The ETI Retired report is linked to which has been unavailable all day -- must be donig some holiday work on it.

<DaveG> yes, that sort of proves that we are linking their link to this note so that they can...

<DaveG> then choose to go to the Employment Assistance site if they wish to.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Now to discussion agenda...

<DaveG> Item 10a: Meetings at the R3 Conference ...

<DaveG> the web site has been updated with room assignments for all meetings ...

<DaveG> except PACE which is being worked (watch for it tomorrow) ...

<DaveG> We have a full weekend and I think it should be quite valuable...

<DaveG> BillHarri: do you want to make any comments?

<BillHarri> Only that I misspoke about Brian--he moved from Area 6 to Ky, still in R3...

<BillHarri> We do have a full weekend. We will be breaking into four Section-oriented issue discussions...

<BillHarri> rather than R3 Committee meetings on Saturday.

<DaveG> Thanks Bill. Q/C?

<DaveG> Any other Q/C on meeting?

<DaveG> Next item on Discussion Agenda is R3 Committee Agenda...

<DaveG> it is sparse now, are there items to be added? If so, please get them into BillH and I. Q/C?

<DaveG> BillHarri: want to add anything here?

<DaveG> (I guess he has stepped away for a min).

<DaveG> We can come back if needed...

<DaveG> Let's move to the item Lee asked be added...

<DaveG> SAMIEEE Access (Region Scope) ...

<DaveG> I added the little fact sheet that is linked based on info sent to Lee. Lee GA

<Lee1> One of our most critical resources is our Membership List...

<Lee1> we must be in a position to say without question what is happening to the data within this list...

<Lee1> I have also been reviewing who has access to this list...

<Lee1> It seems to me that we have too many people with full access on a ongoing basis. I believe that only a small list should have total access...

<Lee1> An analogy would be the R3 Treasurer. There can be only one. If anyone needs $$$, they state their case and then a decison is made. This same approach should apply to the database.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BobD2> c

<DaveG> GA BobD2

<BobD2> In the good ol' days I had an IEEE Directory. ...

<GeorgeM> C

<BobD2> I could look up anyone to get their address. ...

<BobD2> Now I have to jump through hoops just to find the names of regional officers, much less their address. ...

<BobD2> I feel there's 'way too much privacy. That's my 2 cents.

<DaveG> Thanks. GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> I still value my (out of date) IEEE directory for that reason. Heard Saturday, though, that the directory will not come back (in print).....

<GeorgeM> But we can voice our objection to this policy to RAB (Eric Herz also misses it, he told me in KC). ...

<GeorgeM> But, don;t all members of the Excom have access to the Web Geographic Roster? That lists all region officers.

<Lee1> c

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> GA Lee1

<BobD2> c

<Lee1> Yes, the key Region 3 Officers are available from a private R3 directory and the IEEE Geo Roster. I'm talking about the 48,000 names that are in...

<Lee1> the SAMIEEE database. In this day of SPAM, we need to be careful.

<DaveG> Thanks Q/C?

<GeorgeM> C

<BobD2> c

<CharlesL> c

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> Bob was first!

<BobD2> OK....

<DaveG> <G> Not on my screen but OK.

<BobD2> I think ANY dues paying member should be able to look up the address of any fellow member without having to jump through gateways with passwords.

<DaveG> Thanks BobD2 , GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> The new implementation has not been set up, though. I tried to access SAMIEEE last week and was told I am not authorized.

<DaveG> Thanks GA Charles (I have been informed that I missed the earlier BobD2 -- sorry).

<DaveG> GA CharlesL

<CharlesL> The opinions here are consistant with the original SAMIEEE policy, but this was changed after (I believe) this was an issue about two SC's ago. Policy now is that all core officers and anyone designated by chair (in our case - director). Our most critical resource is our members, not data, and we should be communicating with them.

<DaveG> Thanks CharlesL. Q/C?

<BillR> c

<DaveG> GA BillR

<BillR> From a practical standpoint...

<BillR> there also needs to be sufficient backup...

<BillR> so that requests for information can be fulfilled in a timely manner.

<GeorgeM> C

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> Bill, Charles, Dave, and Bob all have points. IEEE Corporate will not reveal address information about anyone. We need a plan.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<Lee1> c

<DaveG> GA Lee1

<Lee1> I volunteer to talk to my peers (the other Regional MD Chairs) and see how they manage membership data. Then we can talk about a plan.

<DaveG> C

<DaveG> They are of course subject to the same ...

<DaveG> rules since it is IEEE policy that sets access to this data not R3. Q/C?

<GeorgeM> C

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> Spam is the driver here. IEEE Corporate says they will forward a email for you but will not reveal the address they are forwarding it to. That is another arugment for Lee's vision of holding the SAMIEEE more closely.

<DaveG> So we are saying the IEEE R3 officers and director desinees can't be trusted not to spam? Hmmm.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<GeorgeM> C

<DaveG> designees. GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> Maybe not, but there is the right way, the Army way, and IEEE's way.

<DickR> c

<DaveG> GA DickR

<DickR> Lee who is on the list now that you object to?

<Lee1> c

<DaveG> GA Lee1

<Lee1> I'm not naming names. This is a discussion of principle. For example if Jim Howard needs to build a database of names for a Sections Congress..

<Lee1> mailing then that makes sense. But if others simply want access, then why ?

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BobD2> c

<GeorgeM> C

<DaveG> GA BobD2

<BobD2> I can go to or and get names, phone numbers, addresses, and a map. ...

<BobD2> But I can't do that to find thru IEEE my fellow volunteers. I think our Corp. policy stinks.

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> WE need to revive the Membership Directory. That should be a resolution from the next Sections Congress. Now, it is hard to find the email address of a member who could be a reference for senior member or fellow, if you haven't been in contact for a while.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<Lee1> c

<DaveG> GA Lee1

<Lee1> My MD Chairs and I are providing Senior Member reference data on a almost daily basis. No one should be lacking for a Senior Reference.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Lee do you send out a list of all Senior Members in a section to an inquiring person?

<DaveG> Q/C?

<Lee1> Only a few names are provided.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BobD2> c

<DaveG> GA BobD2

<BobD2> It's 10:25, so we'd best move on. We know there's real concern on this issue. I like GeorgeM's suggestion.

<DaveG> Without objection... Q/C?

<DaveG> OK, to update folks a bit ...

<DaveG> There is now going to be a 12:45pm 16 October 2004 R3 ExCom Executive Session ...

<DaveG> held in Atlanta to cover the action item on our agenda. ...

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Does anyone wish to highlight an item from the information agenda tonight so that...

<DaveG> folks can be aware of something or be thinking of something before the Region meeting?

<DaveG> Q/C?

<CharlesL> c

<DaveG> GA CharlesL

<CharlesL> I plan to discuss archival in the communications ("econf training") session on Sat eve...

<CharlesL> I would like people to think about the needs and what materials they have on hand with their position(s)...

<CharlesL> both paper and electronic, that they might need to deal with. Bring ideas to Sat eve discussion. Thanks!

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BillR> c

<DaveG> GA BillR

<BillR> We need your help in analyzing the experiences with the e-Notice Bulk Mailing service.rnPlease have the person in your Section who has experience using e-Notice fill out the web form rrnlocated at...rn<>rnas soon as possible so we can compile information to discuss at the Region 3 meeting this weekend

<BillR> Thanks.

<DaveG> Thanks BillR. Q/C?

<DaveG> Other items to highlight? Q/C?

<DaveG> I show no old or new business -- anyone have any? Q/C?

<DaveG> BillHarri: would you like to announce the time and place of the next ExCom(s) as well as make any closing comments and adjorn the meeting?

<DaveG> (or recess it till 12:45pm 16 October)

<BillHarri> Thank you all for coming to the ExCom Meeting. See you Friday, Saturday & Sunday at the Hilton...

<GeorgeM> c

<BillHarri> The next ExCom meeting will be an e-conference 10 & 12 January 2005, as noted on this evening's agenda.

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> Any need for the Wednesday e-conference?

<BillHarri> No.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BillHarri> Many thanks to Dave G for facilitating--makes my job easy...

<BillHarri> Unless there are other comments or issues, we are adjourned.

<BobD2> Bye, all!

<DaveG> Are we recessed till 12:45p 16 October 2004.

<BillHarri> Yes, if you like that terminology better.