Changes from Hamzey (spelling) from Green (a date) Region 3 ExCom Minutes (Unapproved) October 15, 2004 Participants (* if voting): Bower, Carroll*, Dice (for Dawson)*, Duggan*, Green*, Harrison* (chair), Hill*, Hickman*, Howard*, McClure*, Ratcliff*, Riddle, Stogner*, Twitchell* David Green served as meeting facilitator at the invitation of Director Bill Harrison. Director Harrison welcomed members to the meeting. Tthere was only one (executive session) action item. The group approved the agenda as distributed. The group approved two items on the consent agenda: 1. ExCom endorsed the appointment of Adeeb Hamzey (PAOC, PACE) and Alan Thomas (Industry Relations) 2. ExCom approved the minutes of it's July 2004 ExCom (e-conf) 3. ExCom received the reports that are part of the information agenda. The officers (Director, Director-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer) referred members to their distributed written reports (Treasurer Hickman's report is pending the budget being finalized). Lee Stogner and David Green announced the closing of the ETI Project as per plan. The group then moved to the discussion agenda. The group reviewed the plans for the meeting in Atlanta -- both the schedule and the meeting's agenda. The group next discussed a concern brought by Lee Stogner about the number of members who had access the entire Region's SAMIEEE member data. Several other members thought things were too restrictive rather than too loose. The group did a quick review of the information agenda. Charles Lord highlighted plans for e-conf training. Bill Ratcliff noted that other committees could still use e-conferencing for holding their committee meetings and that the Communications Committee would be glad to help out if needed. He also asked members who use eNotice to complete the survey whose URL was in his report. Having completed it's business except for the executive session, Director Harrison recessed the meeting noting that the next meeting would be 10/12 January 2005 (E-Conf) and that this meeting would resume at 12:45pm 16 October 2004 in Altanta in Executive Session to deal with the action item. The ExCom reconvened and held a short executive session. At the completion of Executive Session, Director Harrison announced that the Region 3 ExCom recommended the following list of candidates for Director-Elect 2006-7 (to then serve as Director/Delegate in 2008-9): a. Lee Stogner b. Bill Ratcliff c. Eric Ackerman Respectfully submitted, David Green Region 3 Secretary