IEEE Region 3 Public Information Report Submitted by David Bower, Reg 3 PIO d.bower The Region 3 Public Information initiatives completed and those in progress are being submitted. In addition, some ideas for future PR projects are being included. Projects Completed: 1. Submitted article for use in last Region 3 newsletter titled "Public Relations and Promoting Your Section." Article presented PR ideas for use by a section. A "Sidebar" was included with URL for obtaining section support information at, joining IEEE online at and other items . 2. Submitted additional article for use in last Region 3 Newsletter titled "Section Community Service and Generating Public Awareness for IEEE." Article focused on how several sections (with examples) in Region 3 are generating good public awareness and publicity (PR) for IEEE with their projects. 3. At SoutheastCon 2004, spoke at the Council and Area meetings regarding use of the media to promote section meetings and other activities. Provided one page handout with simple PR steps for working with Print and TV/Radio media. Distributed copies of the "IEEE Publicity Guide" at these Council and Area meetings. Also, had a small display with these materials at SoutheastCon 2004. In addition, a picture display of the spring PACE Conference was on display. 4. Submitted a PR item to Chip Dawson use on Region 3 Web Page: "A Simple Three Step Process to Promote Section Meetings" utilizing "free" local Print and TV/Radio media. The URL was included for obtaining an electronic version of the "IEEE Publicity Guide." 5. Submitted pictures, with captions, to Lonnie Baxley regarding SoutheastCon 2004 for posting on Conference Web Page. Pictures also sent to Region 3 Newsletter Editor, Quang Tang, for possible use. 6. Worked with Communications Committee Chair Bill Ratcliff, and participated in several e-conferences regarding communications and PR. 7. Worked with Region 3 MDC Chair Lee Stogner regarding PR for membership development, and participated in several e-conferences involving membership development. 8. Worked with Erica Vonderheid at IEEE Institute on an article appearing in June 2004 Institute. Article was titled "Making a Difference Section by Section." Projects in Progress: 1. Working with Beverly Banks, IEEE Partnering Display Program, about a possible pilot program to promote IEEE membership at section meetings in Region 3. It would consist of simple 8x10 inch standup display listing easy steps for joining IEEE (ie electronically, by mail or telephone). Membership forms would be included with display. As conceived, the standup display and membership literature would be mailed to each section, along with a brief cover letter. A color JPEG is available of the proposed display for those interested. Plan would be submitted to Region 3 Excom for approval, before implementation. 2. Working on possible initiative to target Region 3 Newsletter Editors with available newsletter insert information (to be used at their discretion) to promote IEEE membership.First effort would be to collect an e-mail address (if available) for various Region 3 Newsletter editors. Plan would be submitted to Region 3 Excom for approval, before implementation. Ideas for Future PR: Possible PR incentives (for consideration) to encourage new member signups at section meeting. Some ideas would include free IEEE membership pin, or coffee mug, or membership in a society for a limited period of time, etc. for a new member. If implemented, the free incentive "item" could be prominently pictured on the small 8x10 inch standup display mentioned above (ie Projects in Progress--Item # 1).