From: Andy Shulick Date: September 26, 2004 To: VA IEEE Council Subject: Richmond VA Section Report for the 3rd Qt. 2004 Our officers for the 2004 year are: Chair: Andrew P. Shulick, P.E., PMP, MBA, IEEE Senior Member Vice Chairman: Mark F. Walker Treasurer: Gregory B. Tait, Ph.D., IEEE Senior Member Secretary: A. Vennie Filippas, Ph.D. Activities: --Little activity during the 3rd quarter due to summer shutdown between May and September. --We have a new meeting location at the Hilton Garden Inn at Innsbrook. --Please visit our web site for the 2004-2005 monthly section meeting program schedule. --We have implemented IEEE-enotice. The service is very friendly, easy to use, and provides us a means to notify our membership in an expedient and frequent method at no costs. We have used it for our monthly newsletter, to notify membership of important notices that must be acted upon before the next newsletter distribution, and to send out a second, short notice of the monthly meeting in addition to the newsletter notice. We still print and send out the monthly newsletter via US mail. -Southeastcon 2007 - Hotel RFPs were solicited and received. --We have been in contact with John Csomay on the future status of PE 31. A "go or no-go" plan will be developed by the end of Oct 2004. --Ralph Russell,II has enlisted the Section in supporting the July 2005 National Scout Jamboree at Fort A.P. Hill in Caroline County, VA. --A list of all Section positions was sent in the newsletter to all members. It is hoped that some will notify us of their interest in filling a position. Members that have previous indicated interest were contacted on a one-on-one basis to solicit their help in filling open positions. --Lynn Simms, Ralph Russell and Andy Shulick have volunteered to serve as reviewers to support the NSF proposed project of focusing on developing instructional materials for elementary teachers -- Richmond, VA is a pilot. The Project is to help elementary teacher extend and enrich their understanding of technology and enable them to teach Design Engineering and Technology more effectively in their classrooms. --Local IEEE Member Lynn Simms was honored 9 September 2004 at the Girl Scout's "Women of Distinction" Awards Dinner. She has been involved with Girl Scouts for over 45 years. She has been a prominent force in the Girl Scout VA Commonwealth Council where she served as president from 2000 -- 2004 and first vice president from 1996 to 2000. Currently she is the liaison between the new IEEE Project and the Girl Scouts of the USA to develop a new IEEE Girls & Technology program. Section Goals: --Continual support of our two student branches -- Virginia Commonwealth University and Virginia State University --Increase participation of membership in meetings and activities --Provide value added monthly programs for the membership --Increase and enhance communications to the membership --Cultivate public awareness of the IEEE organization and its membership Respectively submitted, Andy Shulick