Region 3, Late last year, we had a breakout session to discuss Region 3 plans for Employment Assistance, Corporate Relations and Public Information. The Membership Committee would like you to review the notes from that session and send us your comments and advice. Thanks, Lee Stogner Region 3 Membership Development Chair *********************************************************************** IEEE Region 3 Membership Development Employment Assistance / Corporate Relations / Public Information Breakout Session October 16, 2004 AGENDA I. Who are we - Friends - Engineers - Professionals II. Discussion - Employment - Industry Relations III. Path Forward DISCUSSION - 6 % of Electrical Engineers are unemployed - Engineering College enrollment is down - Where will future EE‰¥ús work ? - Get back to basics - What is the EE image ? EMPLOYMENT - Promote multi skills - Promote IEEE (and other) Networking - Promote IEEE involvement as the way to learn and practice personal skills in writing/speaking. - Perform a self assessment (IEEEUSA tool) - R3 needs to define a ‰¥þLearning List‰¥ÿ - Every Section promotes companies with free employment ads - M-PAC for Employment Assistance - Promote existing services - Every R3 web site links to the R3 EA site - Use R3 newsletter and Spectrum insert to promote EA in a hardcopy format - Every Section needs a Section Job Resource - Update EA web site and company database INDUSTRY RELATIONS - Promote the IEEE as the source of EE‰¥ús, computer EE‰¥ús - Provide IEEE content into Southeast publications - See EA item number 6 - Promote/develop special projects - Promote the IEEE industry slide set - If a Section Member gets a award/industry recognition, get it in the local paper - Every Section Chair gets a copy of the PI guide with followup - Promote IEEE membership to Management - Provide IEEE Member posters for company bulletin boards - Identify points of contacts within companies - Develop/propose educational sessions at companies (Lunch/Learn, after work) - Ethics awareness - Create R3 corporate advisory board - Workplace issues - Ethics - Special Projects PATH FORWARD - R3 needs to improve the EE image - R3 needs to encourage engineering to students as a early age - R3 needs a active PI program - Promote joint meetings with other societies