I sent this to some of you already. There was a call for agenda items for the RAB meeting during the upcoming Board series. This is my suggested contribution, if Excom concurs. One of the initiatives I would like to pursue is the restoration of the IEEE Membership Directory, to be accessible to members in some form (perhaps Web-based). Both Eric Herz and Bob Duggan have mentioned the need for this, and people looking for fellow references for new nominations are jumping through hoops to get the information, since the last directory was printed in 2002. The end of the directory was apparently the result of privacy concerns by IEEE staff. I talked to Cleon Anderson (he was returning from Mexico with his son) in the Atlanta airport following our October Reg. 3 meeting, and mentioned the problem to him. He saw it as a solvable problem - access granted with member ID and password. With SAMIEEE on the Web (but never on Mondays) this may be a subset problem, but SAMIEEE lacks the bios of all fellows that was a feature of the Directory. I would like to see this as an agenda item for discussion at RAB in SF. It's not reasonable that staff should make a decision (no membership directory) unilaterally that adversely affects so many dedicated volunteers. George F McClure g.mcclure@ieee.org 1730 Shiloh Ln Winter Park, FL 32789 407 647-5092 Fax 407 644-4076 Mobile 407 758-0321