To: Region 3 Executive Committee From: Leadership by Developing Others project Team Subject: LDO Project Report for January 2005 ExCom meeting As a refresher ... Leadership by Developing Others (LDO) is a project to build an environment of cooperative, supportive communications between IEEE leaders on all levels by focusing on the "art of mentoring". Our goal is to encourage a more cross-functional and collaborative work effort within and between IEEE entities. We feel that encouraging active mentoring of fellow and future leaders is a way of better equipping everyone to do our IEEE "jobs". WE also will gain skills and experience that will help carry us through our careers and beyond. PHASE I -- Completed 2004 The training material has been refined and tested with selected members of the Region 3 Executive Committee. PHASE II -- LDO PROJECT BEGINS Phase II is an effort to expand the LDO concept to a broader spectrum of Region 3 volunteer leaders. Our intent is to actively train all Area/Council Chairs to the principles and practices that were developed in Phase I, and work with these chairs to build a network with their section chairs. The Area/Council Chairs are asked to take on a mentor role with their respective section chairs. Section Chairs will be taking on an initial role as "mentee" but will also be learning how to mentor their junior officers, committee chairs, and future leaders within their section. At the same time they will learn new ways of working together with other section leaders and regional support people such as our many committee chairs and their committees. The Pilot 1 team has been encouraged to assist in the training of the new mentors and mentees by sharing your experience from Phase I. The Leadership Development Training for some of the Area/Council Chairs, Section Chairs, Pilot 1 team, and others was held from 1 PM until 5 PM on October 15 at the Region 3 Meeting in Atlanta. 2005 Milestones: Training for others not in attendance at the Atlanta Region 3 Meeting will be scheduled within the 1st Quarter 2005. Southeast Con 2005 in Fort Lauderdale, FL, April 8 to 10, 2005 represents a significant opportunity for additional training and face to face discussions. So please mark your calendars and plan to attend. The major Objective in 2005 is to expand the training and the expansion of the mentoring Network to include all of the Region 3 ExCom and begin the introduction to the Sections in Region 3. Section's Congress 2005 has invited Charles Lord and Bill Ratcliff to present the work on the LDO Project in Region 3. This is another opportunity to introduce the need for rebuilding of the mentoring networks to others in IEEE. If you have any questions about LDO just drop us a line. Dick Riddle, LDO Project Manager Richard L. Riddle reply to