9 January 2005 I will not be able to attend the e-meeting tomorrow. I have another meeting to attend, body and mind. I have just sent out another e-mailing to all section chairs in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Jamaica, and Mississippi for January; and I am sure Sean has done something similar, or will have very soon, with his section chairs. The only new data I have on section contributions to the Sections Congress support fund is the addition of Lexington Section with $600. This leaves about 22 sections to kick in. We'll be passing the plate. We are encouraging section chairs to name their section representative as soon as possible, so that we can start sending update information directly to the interested parties. These people may also need a long lead time to arrange their time off from work in order to attend a meeting in October. If anyone has current data on the Mobile Section Chair's name and email, please pass that on to Butch Shadwell. Respectfully submitted, Butch Shadwell Tel. 904-223-4465 (USA) www.shadtechserv.com