IEEE 3 ExCom E-Conf - 4 April 2005

<DaveG> Hi, Welcome to Second Meeting of the 2005 ExCom ...

<DaveG> under the leadership of Director Harrison. ...

<DaveG> At his request, I am serving as your meeting ...

<DaveG> facilitator. This is a formal meeting potentially with votes. ...

<DevonG> Good Night everyone

<DaveG> We will have both a log (except for any ...

<DaveG> executive session) and minutes. ...

<DaveG> On our meeting page: ...

<DaveG> ...

<DaveG> we have the procedures that we will use for voting, ...

<DaveG> executive sessions, ...

<DaveG> and the roster above the agenda has an asterisk for each voting ...

<DaveG> member. ...

<DaveG> Please...

<DaveG> try to type ahead of being recognized whenever practical. ...

<DaveG> What I would like to do first is have eveyone say their name ...

<DaveG> into the channel. That way we will have a log of names versus nicknames...

<DaveG> (You don't have to wait your turn for this but just do it. Now) ...

<ChasLT> Charles Lord, R3 Leadership Development Chair

<JohnT> John Twitchell, ARC Chair

<DaveG> So to start things off: ...

<DaveG> Dave Green, Secretary / ECC

<PatD> Pat Donohoe, Educational Activities Chair

<BillC> Bill Clayton, Chair Hampton Roads Section

<JimH> Jim Howard, Past R3 Director

<Charles> Charles Hickman, Treasurer

<DevonG> Devon Gayle

<BobD> Bob Duggan, SPC Chair

<BillHarri> Bill Harrison, R3 Director

<ChipTD> Chip Dawson, NC Council Chair, R3 Webmaster, SoutheastCon 2004 Chair

<EricA> Eric Ackerman - SEC05 Whipping Boy

<JohnP> John Parr, Area 8

<DickR> Dick Riddle LDO Project Manager.

<BillR> Bill Ratcliff Communications Committee

<Brian> Brian Skelton, Vice Chair, R3 Membership Development

<dbower> David Bower, PIO Reg 3

<DaveG> Welcome all...

<DaveG> We will use our protocol of asking for recognition to ...

<DaveG> speak by sending "C" for comment or "Q" for question into ...

<DaveG> channel and I will recognize you. Note the use of the "..." ...

<DaveG> to imply that my thought continues on the next line. ...

<DaveG> You end a line with a "." or "?" when done and the facilitator ...

<DaveG> will resume 'control'. ...

<Lee2> Lee Stogner, Region 3 Membership Development Chair

<DaveG> (BillM-Atl Please introduce yourself and give position)

<DaveG> The consent agenda has two items: ...

<DaveG> 3a. The ExCom to receive the reports listed in the Information ,,,

<DaveG> Agenda ...

<DaveG> 3b. The ExCom to approve the modified version of the Region 3 Strategic Plan. ...

<DaveG> Any objection to approving them on the consent agenda? ...

<DaveG> (Any objection will move them to the action agenda). Q/C?

<DaveG> Hearing no objections, we will consider the consent agenda as approved...

<DaveG> when the agenda is adopted. ...

<DaveG> The action agenda has three items although only the first two ...

<DaveG> are ready tonight for action ...

<DaveG> The discussion agenda has 2 items and we have an old business item (report) ...

<DaveG> We then have the information agenda to go through...

<DaveG> JoeyD: BillM-Atl Please introduce yourselves and give your positions.

<BillM-Atl> Bill Marshall, Atlanta Section Chair

<JoeyD> (Good evening all) Joey Duvall/GOLD

<DaveG> Hearing no objections, we will consider the consent agenda as approved...

<DaveG> when the agenda is adopted. ...

<Lee2> Yes

<DaveG> Lee -> do you have an item?

<DaveG> Does anyone have any changes or additions to the agenda? Q/C?

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> If there are no objections, we will assume we have an agenda. Q/C?

<DaveG> We will next go through the Officer reports which are all on-line for...

<DaveG> members to read. I'll go through each officer and give them a ...

<DaveG> chance to add or highlight, Director's Report -- GA BillHarri

<DaveG> (please do your welcome here as well)

<DaveG> Over to you

<BillHarri> Welcome all...

<BillHarri> thanks for attending...

<BillHarri> Besides our regular business...

<BillHarri> we have #1, get ready for Sections Congress 2005 in Tampa...

<BillHarri> #2 round up R3 sections to participate in the Teacher In-Service program...

<BillHarri> that will be presented by Doug Gorham and Moshe Kam in FT Lauderdale.

<DaveG> (Hi RoyH, please introduce yourself and give your position)

<RoyH> Roy Harris Special Rev Cmte Chair

<DaveG> Welcome. Thanks BillHarri -- anything else from your report or comments?

<BillHarri> Go ahead.

<DaveG> Thanks...

<DaveG> Q/C for BillHarri ?

<DaveG> The Director-Elect is traveling tonight so is not available but did file a report...

<DaveG> any Q/C on it?

<DaveG> The Secretary's report is late (boo!). I thank those that made the deadline on ...

<DaveG> their reports (and whether you did or did not), I have now posted all that I have ...

<DaveG> received (unless I goofed). ...

<DaveG> I would ask that everyone make sure they fill out the R3 meeting report form ...

<DaveG> (which is separate from the SoutheastCon registration) at ...

<DaveG> ...

<DaveG> and go to the administrative section to enter your e-mail and fill things out...

<DaveG> we have about 44 attendees reporting at this time and it sure helps planning ...

<DaveG> to have your input. Q/C?

<DaveG> Treasurer's Report -> GA Charles

<Charles> Treasurer's report submitted. Since the report, $500 more...

<Charles> has been received for Sections Congress.

<DaveG> (Hi Thomas -- welcome -- please give your name and position)

<DaveG> Thanks Charles . Q/C for Charles?

<Thomas> Thomas bellarmine

<DaveG> (Florida Council)

<Thomas> Yes

<DaveG> Q/C for Charles?

<DaveG> Past Director Report -- GA JimH

<JimH> nothing more to add at this time.

<DaveG> Q/C for JimH?

<DaveG> That completes officer reports...

<DaveG> Moving to the action agenda...

<DaveG> We have a motion that Region 3 recommend to the Region 3 Committee that Region 3 contribute xxx amount to Sections Congress 2005...

<DaveG> where xxx is being debated and thought to be $10-20K. JimH please proceed.

<JimH> I believe most of us thought this was settled some time ago, but based on ....

<JimH> checking past mtg min, we can not find where the amount of support R3 is providing ...

<JimH> was established. For the last SC, R2 provided $20K, and based on that and the present R3 ...

<JimH> balance, I would suggest we match that amount.

<BillHarri> c

<Charles> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> Jim, make a motion now, to be voted on again at the R3 meeting...

<DaveG> (Hi ButchS, please introduce yourself and give position)

<BillHarri> then we can make it official and approved by region vote.

<DaveG> GA Charles

<ButchS> Butch Shadwell - Sections Congress Co-Coordinator

<Charles> I believe that SoutheastCon has the potential to be...

<Charles> quite expensive. I believe it would be prudent to...

<Charles> approve $10k now with the option of increasing amount...

<Charles> when we know the SECON cost.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> JimH: Do you wish to make the motion?

<JimH> yes, same motion as expressed above, but with $20K added instead of the xxx.

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> Hi BruceW , please introduce yourself and give your position.

<BruceW> Bruce Walcott, RSAC

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<DaveG> Is there a second to the motion?

<BillHarri> restate the motion so we all understand exactly what we are voting on...

<BillHarri> including Charles' caveats.

<DaveG> Motion that Region 3 recommend to the Region 3 Committee that Region 3 contribute $20K amount to Sections Congress 2005.

<DaveG> Charles's caveats are comments not part of the motion. Is there a second for the stated motion?

<BobD> second

<DaveG> We have a motion on the floor ... Q/C?

<PatD> Q

<DaveG> GA PatD

<PatD> Is there a problem with Charles' idea. I think it is prudent, as he says.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<ChasLT> c

<DaveG> GA ChasLT

<ChasLT> I move we amend the motion to make the amount 10K, with possible further funding at a future date...

<ChasLT> per the advice of our Treasurer.

<DaveG> Is there a second to the ammendment?

<ChipTD> second

<BobD> second

<DaveG> The discussion is now on the motion to ammend. Q/C?

<BillHarri> c

<JimH> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> so the amendmeded moton says?

<DaveG> Change the amount from 20K to 10k with the potential for a later additional contribution.

<DaveG> GA JimH

<BillHarri> sorry about my spelling and keyboarding.

<JimH> The motion now seems to be open ended, when would R3 be willing to tell RAB that the additional $10K would ...

<JimH> be available, or when it would not?

<BillHarri> c

<Charles> c

<DaveG> My understanding of the motion is that it would change the amount to ...

<DaveG> 10K and in reality take another action of the group to donate anything further. ...

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<JimH> c

<BillHarri> I have no problem going to RAB or BoD with any proposal on behalf or the region...

<BillHarri> RAB or BoD...this a really big deal for IEEE and R3...

<DaveG> q

<BillHarri> give me some proposals for R3, RAB, and the June BoD meeting...

<BillHarri> I will make appropriate motions and support them.

<DaveG> GA Charles

<Charles> We should know SECON expenses within 60 days...

<Charles> which would be prior to the June meeting.

<DaveG> GA JimH

<JimH> Dave, I believe the current motion includes "...with possible futher funding at a future date ...", is that correct?

<DaveG> Those were the words without the "..."s.

<JimH> c

<DaveG> My questions are: ...

<DaveG> 1. What is the largest Section contribution to date? ...

<DaveG> 2. Would this money come from a particular reserve or the general budget (and the general reserve)? ...

<DaveG> GA JimH

<JimH> Could you restate the entire motion as it now stands?

<DaveG> You really mean if ammended and it will take a minute...

<DaveG> Any other Q/C?

<JimH> c

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA JimH

<JimH> It will be hard to ask our Sections to support SC05, without the Region taking a leadership role. From the Treasurers report ...

<JimH> the Region had $100K extra income last year and also presently has almost $100k more in the conference fund ...

<JimH> this seems like more than enough for R3 to be sure we can support SEC's and SC05. We, the Region, needs to take the leadership ...

<JimH> for Section's Congress in order to make sure our Sections are willing to support SC05 as we have asked.

<DaveG> I have the proposed ammended motion as ...

<DaveG> ¥ Region 3 ExCom recommends to the Region 3 Committee that Region 3 contribute $10K amount to Sections Congress 2005 with possible further funding a future date per the advice of our Treasurer.

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<DaveG> (the ammendment has not been approved)

<Charles> c

<DaveG> GA Charles

<Charles> Let me try to answer Dave's questions. Sections have

<Charles> contributed between $100 and $7000. I believe the...

<Charles> Region funding should come from our Conference...

<Charles> Reserve account.

<DaveG> Thanks. Q/C?

<JimH> c

<DaveG> GA JImH

<JimH> Charles, from your report, you stated ...

<JimH> In 2004, receipts exceeded the budget by over $100,000. Major components for this difference include excellent returns for conferences (+$18.8k), infrastructure refund for funds deducted in 2002 (+$21.3k), regional assessment (+$12.5k) and funds received in 2004 for projects scheduled

<JimH> in 2005 (+$45k).

<JimH> is this correct?

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BillM-Atl> c

<Charles> Yes, but our budget already shows a deficit...

<Charles> of over $40k in 2005.

<DaveG> GA BillM-Atl

<BillM-Atl> Atlanta gave $7000, but I think that FL West Coast gave $10,000

<JimH> c

<DaveG> BillHarri -> please give the comment you intended to give ...

<DaveG> when you got disconnected.

<BobD> (He's still disconnected)

<DaveG> <G> Shoot, there he goes off again...

<DaveG> GA JimH

<DaveG> GA JimH

<JimH> The Fl West Coast Section is providing $10,000, but is making the payments over 3 years, with the last payment due this year.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> BillHarri -> please give the comment you intended to give ...

<DaveG> when you got disconnected.

<BillHarri> am I back online?

<DaveG> yes... please proceed with your comment.

<BillHarri> R3 has money in the bank, as do other IEEE units...

<BillHarri> let's pick a number, make a commitment that we can afford...

<BillHarri> I will take it the IEEE boards as a challenge for the future...

<BillHarri> of our association, and the future of our youth, and our country.

<ButchS> c

<DaveG> GA ButchS

<ButchS> If we had unanticipated income this year, is there a problem with ...

<ButchS> exceeding budgeted expenditures if they are offset by the income?

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Are there any comments about the amendment?

<Charles> c

<DaveG> GA Charles

<Charles> My only point is related to excess expenses related...

<Charles> to SECON. If there are no unanticipated extra expenses...,

<Charles> I will be the first to recommend additional funding.

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> And as you may have noted...

<BillHarri> I have been disputing unanticipated telecommunications expenses...

<BillHarri> with Marriott, in particular, hospitality industry, in general...

<BillHarri> anything we can get negotiated out of those ??? contractual expenses, I...

<BillHarri> would put into SC2005...

<BillHarri> we have several more IEEE meetings coming to R3 this year, just with Marriott.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Are there any more Q/C about the amendment?

<DaveG> Hearing none, we will vote on the motion to amend which, if successful, would change the...

<DaveG> original motion to:

<DaveG> Region 3 ExCom recommends to the Region 3 Committee that Region 3 contribute $10K amount to Sections Congress 2005 with possible further funding a future date per the advice of our Treasurer.

<DaveG> Vote Y in favor of the motion to amend ($20K changed to $10K, and proviso addition), vote N if against, A to abstain. Voters should be voting members of ExCom. Vote now.

<BillR> Y

<ChipTD> y

<BillC> y

<BruceW> y

<JimH> n

<BobD> y

<Thomas> y

<Charles> y

<PatD> y

<Lee2> y

<BillHarri> y

<JohnT> y

<DevonG> y

<DaveG> Motion to amend is successful ...

<DaveG> Amended motion is now on the table as ...

<DaveG> ¥ Region 3 ExCom recommends to the Region 3 Committee that Region 3 contribute $10K amount to Sections Congress 2005 with possible further funding a future date per the advice of our Treasurer.

<DaveG> Any Q/C?

<DaveG> Hearing none, we will now vote on the motion as amended and just stated using same signs. Vote now.

<JimH> n

<Charles> y

<BobD> y

<PatD> Y

<BillR> Y

<BillC> y

<JohnP> y

<Lee2> y

<Thomas> y

<BruceW> y

<BillHarri> y

<ChipTD> y

<JohnT> y

<DaveG> Motion as amended is approved.

<BillHarri> c

<dbower> y

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> I think we need to hear why JimH voted no.

<DaveG> JimH, would you like to make a statement?

<JimH> Sure, ...

<JimH> for the record I am disappointed in R3 for not taking more of a leadership role in SC05. We have almost a quarter of a million dollars in our accounts, and we are hesitant to contribute $20K to show our leadership for SC05 and to just match what R2 did for their Sections Congress. ...

<JimH> this makes it very hard to go out and try and raise funds for SC05. We, the SC05 committee has worked very hard to try to ...

<JimH> make sure this is one of the best SC's and to make our Region shine. We have obtained $25K from the Life Members committee, $25K from the IEEE Foundation, and numerous funds from our own Sections. ...

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<JimH> And I was hoping to be able to tell the Committee that R3 was leading the way ...

<DaveG> (sorry JimH, please wait BillHarri)

<DaveG> Continue JimH

<JimH> in making this one of the outstanding SC's RAB has ever held. ...

<JimH> Hopefully we can correct this in the near future and put R3 back in a leadership role for SC05.

<DaveG> Thanks JimH, GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> I concur with JimH...

<BillHarri> we have no reason to sit on several hundred $k when we can use for the...

<BillHarri> betterment of our association and our successors...

<BillHarri> that is why we are here...

<BillHarri> we can vote tonight, but I think JimH and DavidGreen should bring this question ...

<BillHarri> to the region committee for debate and consideration, with figures in hand.

<DaveG> 10-4. ...

<DaveG> Action item #2 relates to ...

<DaveG> a SoutheastCon proposal from Huntsville...

<DaveG> since Don Hill is not hear tonight, perhaps we should hold this to Wednesday...

<DaveG> Any objections to this?

<DaveG> Hearing none and reminding us that we will vote on the minutes next time as previously...

<Lee2> c

<DaveG> announced, we move to the Discussion Agenda...

<DaveG> Oooops, GA Lee2

<Lee2> Don is in Washington, we may not see him until this weekend.

<DaveG> OK, who is Vice Chair of Conf Committee?

<DaveG> Are there members of the Conference Committee on channel who can speak to the merits of the motion? We have no materials submitted.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<ChipTD> c

<DaveG> GA ChipTD

<ChipTD> The propoal looks resonable. They neeed to do a little work on their budget to ...

<ChipTD> so support for the student conference and the k-12 wvwnts plannned

<DaveG> Thanks Chip. Does the ExCom feel that they can make a recommendation based on this ...

<DaveG> and the Conference committee's motion? Q/C?

<Charles> c

<DaveG> GA Charles

<Charles> It seems appropriate to wait until this weekend...

<Charles> to make a decision.

<DaveG> Well, to be clear...

<DaveG> the ExCom recommendation is to the Region committee so it is just a recommendation and ...

<DaveG> I believe it can be brought to the Region without an ExCom recommendation. Often, the Excom ...

<DaveG> has served a useful oversight role prior to Region action but it appears that ...

<DaveG> we may not have enough information to do that. Does anyone object to postponing it to ...

<DaveG> either the Region meeting or if the conference committee members wish to bring it up...

<DaveG> Wednesday with some pre-supplied information reviewing it Wednesday?

<DaveG> hearing none...

<DaveG> Moving to the discussion agenda...

<DaveG> The first item is the Review of Meetings at SoutheastCon ...

<DaveG> BillHarri: would you like to review this or would you like me to start?

<DaveG> (I guess I should -- BillHarri jump in if I am heading wrong) ...

<DaveG> The meetings are listed at ...

<DaveG> they start with Leadership By Developing Others Training on Friday Afternoon, then ...

<DaveG> opening ceremony and then Area/Council meetings. Area/Council chairs should ...

<DaveG> note that this is the time for letting the Section Chairs present their ...

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> reports and interact with their counterparts. GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> Sorry, I got distracted with telephone calls...

<BillHarri> let's put this on the agenda for Saturday afternoon...

<BillHarri> with Sally, CJ, Moshe et al...

<BillHarri> then we can finish up Sunday morning.

<DaveG> Thanks BillHarri . Area/Council Chairs should anticipate "drop-ins" as well including Moshe Kam/Doug Gorham (EAB project) ...

<PatD> c

<DaveG> Gary Blank (AICN consults network), and Region Director/Treasurer. ...

<DaveG> GA PatD

<PatD> That will be me dropping in to the Area/Council meetings ...

<PatD> plugging the Teacher In Service Workshop.

<DaveG> Thanks for the correction PatD (sorry for goof)...

<DaveG> Also in parallel with the Area/Council meetings will be the Strategic Planning Committee meeting. ...

<DaveG> Saturday morning starts with breakfast and for some, the Region 3 FinCom meeting. Then we will begin ...

<DaveG> activities working towards Sections Congress 05 with an Opening Session with welcome, information presentations ...

<DaveG> related to things that may impact sections congress issues, then we have three parallel ...

<DaveG> breakouts ...

<DaveG> Serving the Member ...

<DaveG> Empowering and Growing the Volunteer ...

<DaveG> Serving the Profession ...

<DaveG> with all Region volunteers in one of these breakouts, these breakouts will work into ...

<DaveG> afternoon which culminates in presentation and discussion to everyone. ...

<DaveG> Then we move to the Region meeting which will break for the day for dinner, awards, and the hardware contest. ...

<DaveG> Things resume on Sunday where we finish the Region meeting while Bruce and Trish take care of student meetings. ...

<DaveG> Q/C?

<EricA> C

<DaveG> GA EricA

<EricA> On Sunday don't forget the brunch that has LOTS of Shrimp!

<BillHarri> q

<DaveG> Thanks. For those who are able to stay, there will be a brunch. GA BillHarri

<DaveG> (I also left off the Conference Debrief after Brunch).

<BillHarri> EricA, what's for dinner Saturday evening?

<EricA> It is in one of the email messages I sent out about two weeks ago. For you a hot-dog cuban style.

<JohnT> Erica, be careful about ordering steak and lobster and wine!

<EricA> For Bill only the best.

<ButchS> Good night all. I'm getting hungry.

<DaveG> BillHarri: we have reached our predetermined recess time, would you like to recess the group until Wednesday? GA Bill

<DaveG> (GA BillHarri )

<BillHarri> We expect Moshe Kam, IEEE VP of EAB...

<BillHarri> and Doug Gorham, key IEEE staff person...

<BillHarri> who has supported the teacher in-service program initiated in...

<BillHarri> the Florida West Coast Section...

<BillHarri> to join the conclusion of our e-meeting, and to be present at our...

<BillHarri> face-to-face meeting in Ft. Lauderdale...

<BillHarri> Region 3 has been asked to expand the TISP to about half of our 41 sections...

<Thomas> Good Night

<BillHarri> I see this as a tremondous education and service opportunity...

<BillHarri> we will need to address this opportunity in Ft Lauderdale, as well as at our Wednesday...

<BillHarri> conclusion of the ExCom meeting...

<BillHarri> Dave, thank you for moderating, good night all. Bill H

<DaveG> Thanks Bill, Good night all!

<JohnT> good night

<BobD> Good nite, all!

<BillM-Atl> bye

<dbower> Good night fr East TN

<DevonG> good night

<BillC-Web> Good night all.

<JohnP> Good Night.