Sections Congress Co-Coordinators Report - Southeastcon 2005 Sections Congress 2005 is coming. For those that still may be unfamiliar, it is a meeting of delegates from every section in the world done once every three years. Sections Congress is October 14-17, 2005, in Tampa, Florida at the Tampa Marriott Waterside. The host section is the Florida West Coast Section. Here is a link to the Sections congress PowerPoint slide show that Tracy Hawkins has done at headquarters. It has lots of relevant information: Butch Shadwell ( ) is the coordinator for all sections in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Jamaica, and Mississippi, and Sean Haynes ( ) is covering Virginia, Kentucky/Indiana, Tennessee, North and South Carolina. The campaign to get R3 sections to attend and support Sections Congress has been through a series of emails, now into the third year, and articles in all the R3 newsletters in the last two years. Sean Haynes will carry the issue forward in person at Southeastcon. From our emails so far Sean has heard the delegate selection from the Richmond Section and I have heard from the NW Florida Section. This is all who have responded to date. We will keep pushing. Sections contributing so far are: FWC 3500; Coastal SC 200; Broward 250; Canaveral 250; Tallahassee 600; Palm Beach 2000; Atlanta 7000; FWC 3500; Mississippi 441; Huntsville 2300; Jacksonville 1000; Lexington 600 Total $21,641 - 11 sections contributing so far. If your section is not on this list, now's the time to get your contribution in. At this point we would encourage those that have not contributed to send whatever they can immediately to Charles Hickman. We must have 100% participation from sections with attendance and support. Make contributions to: Charles Hickman Attn: Section Congress 2005 Support 3244 Burning Tree Drive Birmingham, AL 35226 Respectfully submitted, Butch Shadwell R3 Sections Congress Co-Coordinator Tel. 904-223-4465 (USA)