TREASURER'S REPORT 3 APRIL 2005 This report contains information related to the 2004 year-end budget and notes related to 2005 financial activities. In 2004, receipts exceeded the budget by over $100,000. Major components for this difference include excellent returns for conferences (+$18.8k), infrastructure refund for funds deducted in 2002 (+$21.3k), regional assessment (+$12.5k) and funds received in 2004 for projects scheduled in 2005 (+$45k). Also, the long-term investment returns exceeded the budget by $6.7k. Disbursements exceeded budget by $21.9k primarily because of National Scout Jamboree expenses incurred in 2004. The L50 report and the IEEE-USA reports were submitted on time and accepted by IEEE Headquarters. In addition to SoutheastCon 2005, Region 3 will be hosting Sections Congress 2005. Support for Region 3 participation in Sections Congress comes from IEEE Regional Activities, Region 3 Sections and the Region itself. As of 31 March 2005, sixteen (16) Sections have submitted $25,288 to the Region for distribution. The National Scout Jamboree will be held this summer. RAB has provided funding of $25,000 and the IEEE Foundation has approved $25,000 for distribution in 2005. PACE Workshops continue to provide excellent training for our members. These activities include funding from IEEE-USA and Region 3. The financial condition for Region 3 remains strong and viable. Several Region committees are developing programs to serve all of our members better. Respectively submitted, Charles E. Hickman Region 3 Treasurer