To: Region 3 ExCom Fr: David Green, Region 3 ECC Sb: Electronic Communications Coordinator Report Dt: 5 July 2005 As a Region (perhaps as a society), we continue to rely on e-mail even in this day of other collaborative tools. I would note that these systems require attention so that problems don't occur. In my last report, I noted: * Two ExCom members who mail boxes overflowed * A problem where AOL has decided that mail from IEEE was spam thus blocking all mail through the IEEE servers to AOL users. * A problem with the IEEE alias servers resulting in a >3 day delay in mail processing. All of these have been cleared except on ExCom member's mailbox has overflowed again. Everyone needs to watch for this problem and clear it as soon as it occurs. As Bill Ratcliff mentioned in his report, he and I attended an ITSC workshop on the Professional Engineering Environment of the future where we and others are trying to agree on a direction for products like IEEE Virtual Communities (of the future). I have assisted (a minor amount) star trainer Charles Lord in his award winning performance on e-conference 101. This Internet Meeting is a good 1 hour start-up or reminder for e-conferencing with either the Web Browser Client or the mIRC client. I strongly urge committee chairs to both attend and have their committee's attend this training so that e-meetings with trained participants can occur. The next show plays at 9pm EDST on 16 July 2005. See Bill Ratcliff's report for details. If you are (and you should be!) using your alias, then you may wish to review your spam-blocking rules at IEEE. Go to to set up or check your settings. For those, who were early adopters, it is now possible to block at one level and tag at another level. See the above web site for details.