IEEE 3 Region 3 ExCom E-Conf - 9 July 2005 morning

<DaveG> Hi, Welcome to Third Meeting of the 2005 ExCom ...

<DaveG> under the leadership of Director Harrison. ...

<DaveG> At his request, I am serving as your meeting ...

<DaveG> facilitator. This is a formal meeting potentially with votes. ...

<DaveG> We will have both a log (except for any ...

<DaveG> executive session, none expected) and minutes. ...

<DaveG> On our meeting page: ...

<DaveG> ...

<DaveG> we have the procedures that we will use for voting, ...

<DaveG> executive sessions, ...

<DaveG> and the roster above the agenda has an asterisk for each voting ...

<DaveG> member. ...

<DaveG> Please try to type ahead of being recognized whenever practical. ...

<DaveG> Director Harrison, would you like to welcome the group to the ...

<DaveG> meeting? I don't believe we have any special guests for you to ...

<DaveG> introduce, although I would note that a few section chairs are joining us ...

<DaveG> today. (We will come to your report in a few minutes). ...

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<DaveG> BillHarri: GA

<ReginaH> e

<DaveG> GA ReginaH

<ReginaH> sorry, was in the wrong window

<DaveG> 10-4. ...

<DaveG> I guess Bill has stepped a way for a second ...

<DaveG> We will catch his welcome in his report time...

<DaveG> What I would like to do first is have eveyone say their name ...

<DaveG> into the channel. That way we will have a log of names versus nicknames...

<DaveG> (You don't have to wait your turn for this but just do it. Now) ...

<DaveG> So to start things off: ...

<DaveG> Dave Green, Secretary / ECC

<JimH> Jim Howard, Past Director

<BillR> Bill Ratcliff R3 Communications Committee

<don> Don Hill, Conf chair

<BobD2> Bob Duggan, SPC chair

<DickR> Dick Riddle

<JohnT> John Twitchell, ARC Chair

<dbower> David Bower, Region 3 PIO

<ReginaH> Regina Hannemann Lexington Section Vice Chair

<chc> Chuck Chapman, Canaveral Section Chair

<DaveG> Hi Lee, please give name and position

<Lee> Lee Stogner - Membership Development

<DaveG> Hi BillH -- welcome back. Please introduce yourself and welcome the group if you wish ...

<DaveG> (we will get to your report in a few minutes).

<BillH> Bill Harrison, R3 Director -- sorry for the MIRC confusion...

<BillH> Looks like I am here twice.

<DaveG> No problem. Lee seem to have had problems also today.

<DaveG> BruceW is Bruce Walcott, Student Activities ...

<DaveG> I think that covers everyone on at moment...

<DaveG> We will use our protocol of asking for recognition to ...

<DaveG> speak by sending "C" for comment or "Q" for question into ...

<DaveG> channel and I will recognize you. Note the use of the "..." ...

<DaveG> to imply that my thought continues on the next line. ...

<DaveG> You end a line with a "." or "?" when done and the facilitator ...

<DaveG> will resume 'control'. ...

<DaveG> The consent agenda has two items: ...

<DaveG> * The EXCOM to approve the minutes of its April 2005 meeting (e-conf)

<DaveG> * The ExCom to receive the reports listed in the Information ,,,

<DaveG> Agenda ...

<DaveG> ...

<DaveG> Any objection to approving them on the consent agenda? ...

<DaveG> (Any objection will move them to the action agenda). Q/C?

<DaveG> Hearing no objections, we will consider the consent agenda as approved...

<DaveG> when the agenda is adopted. ...

<DaveG> There are no action items ...

<DaveG> There are 2 discussion items on the agenda as well ...

<DaveG> (oops, there are now 3 discussion items) ...

<DaveG> as the information agenda containing reports. ...

<DaveG> Does anyone have any changes or additions to the agenda? Q/C?

<DaveG> If there are no objections, we will assume we have an agenda. Q/C?

<DaveG> earing no objections, we will consider the consent agenda as approved...

<DaveG> <DaveG> when the agenda is adopted. ...

<DaveG> There are no action items ...

<DaveG> There are 2 discussion items on the agenda as well ...

<DaveG> as the information agenda containing reports. ...

<DaveG> Does anyone have any changes or additions to the agenda? Q/C?

<DaveG> If there are no objections, we will assume we have an agenda. Q/C?

<DaveG> Director Harrison, please make any introductory remarks you care to make ...

<DaveG> as well as highlight any items from your report that you care to. ...

<DaveG> GA BillH

<BillHarri> Thanks to all for attending...

<BillHarri> In addition to my report...

<BillHarri> just a couple of comments...

<JensH> Hi folks, keep on going. Just listening in.

<DaveG> (hi JensH, please state name and position)

<BillHarri> IEEE has provided substantial funding support to the Scout Jamboree...

<JensH> Jens Hannemann, IEEE Publications Board, Ethics Committee, Regina's Husband :-).

<BillHarri> Ralph Russell has spearheaded that effort over more than two decades...

<BillHarri> I made the Board motion to support it...

<BillHarri> I plan to attend the event at Ft A.P. Hill in Virginia later this month...

<BillHarri> Joey Duval and Charles Hickman have indicated interest, but I am not sure at this moment...

<BillHarri> if either is planning to attend...

<BillHarri> Others with interest in scouting (e-merit badges in electricity, electronics, and computers...

<BillHarri> are a major part of the program.

<DaveG> Thanks BillHarri -- Q/C?

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> This is a major engineering-interest event, being held in Region 3...

<BillHarri> if any of our ExCom or Section representatives would consider participating...

<BillHarri> I think R3 could come up with funding support.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Thanks BillHarri ...

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> A couple more comments, then I will listen...

<BillHarri> Sections Congress 2005 will be in Tampa in October...

<BillHarri> we need to encourage all 41 sections to attend...

<BillHarri> Treasurer Charles Hickman will distribute reimbursement guidelines...

<BillHarri> we may need to make some one-on-one calls to encourage attendance...

<BillHarri> and Jim Howard, SC2005 General Chair, may want to follow up and ask each of...

<BillHarri> R3's sections to make a financial contribution, at whatever level they can afford...

<BillHarri> I will have one more comment after responses to above.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<ThomasB> Hello

<DaveG> (Hi ThomasB, please give name and position)

<ThomasB> Thomas Bellarmine, floria Council Chair

<DaveG> Welcome, GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> Okay...

<BillHarri> The other big event for Region 3 that I am aware of for 2005 is the IEEE Board Series...

<BillHarri> is meeting in Orlando in November...

<BillHarri> R3 will be hosting, so we need to think about participating in any events...

<BillHarri> Regional Activities, IEEE-USA, President Cleon Anderson, et al, may have in mind...

<BillHarri> Give me ideas and I will be happy to pass those on to the meeting planners...

<BillHarri> Sorry, one more thing...

<BillHarri> I sit on the IEEE Industry Relations Committee (and as some of you know, I took some grief from the IEEE ...

<BillHarri> Finance Committee)...

<BillHarri> We are having a face-to-face meeting in late August...

<BillHarri> I have invited Lee Stogner to join us, and Chair Jim Leonard, supports Lee's participation...

<BillHarri> The IEEE Ad Hoc is emphasizing large company Memorandums of Understanding...

<BillHarri> with the IEEE -- I totally agree...

<DaveG> (Hi ChuckC, please introduce yourself - name, position)

<BillHarri> However, when I met with the NC Council, the feedback I got was...

<BillHarri> along the lines of "lots of IEEE members work for small companies"...

<ChuckC> (ChuckC is chc - Chuck Chapman, Canaveral Section Chair...logged on with my phone so I could be mobile)

<BillHarri> So Lee and I have to come up with a cogent plan for dealing with, not just large, ...

<BillHarri> but small employers...

<BillHarri> Now I will be quiet and listen.

<DaveG> Thanks BillHarri

<DaveG> Q/C for BillHarri on this report ?

<DaveG> Next item, is past Director's report...

<DaveG> GA JimH

<JimH> My report ...

<JimH> was submitted (a little late, but it made it before the meeting). No additional ...

<JimH> items to add unless anyone has questions.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BillHarri> q

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> How much $ has R3 contributed? And how many of secions, and who is going to make calls...

<BillHarri> it may be in your report, but I apologize...

<BillHarri> I did not get to read it yet.

<JimH> We have received approx. ...

<JimH> $29k from R3 Sections and Councils, and an additional $10K from R3. All of this is ...

<JimH> listed in Butch's report as R3 SC05 Coordinator. We still need to raise a total of $20K ...

<JimH> to get to our target of $120K, based on getting the $25 from Life Mbrs and $25 from ...'

<JimH> the IEEE Foundation, along with a few other donations.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> Good job, thanks.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<JimH> c

<DaveG> GA JimH

<JimH> One item I wanted to comment on that BillH brought up was the IEEE Board Mtg in Nov. ...

<JimH> in Orlando. The Florida Council has requested and recieved approval to meet on Sat ...

<JimH> of the Board Series with them. Approval for such meetings is now required of the IEEE board ...

<JimH> and this was accomplished at the June Board Series in VA.

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> Good point...

<BillHarri> I assume someone has that meeting coordinated with MPS at Piscataway.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<JimH> yes it is.

<DaveG> Secretary's Report ...

<DaveG> * Report is on the web and distributed by e-mail ...

<DaveG> * Reports are still being accepted (several are missing) ...

<DaveG> * Charles Lord has said that he won't be here till the 2nd session, ...

<DaveG> * Chip Dawson will not be here (and given proxy to Charles Lord), ...

<DaveG> * Adeeb Hamzey will not be here due to travel but has submitted reports ...

<DaveG> * Eric Ackerman will not be here due to work related to hurricane ...

<DaveG> * Jim Beall is having some sort of problem getting his IRC client to log in ...

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Treasurer's report is on the web (and distributed)...

<DaveG> any Q/C?

<DaveG> as a C ...

<DaveG> I would strongly urge all to read this. There will be some process changes ...

<ThomasB> q

<DaveG> coming to section finance activities. Charles reports on some of these ...

<DaveG> and additional information will be coming in the fall and in information at ...

<DaveG> Sections Congress. ...

<DaveG> GA ThomasB

<DaveG> (Welcome Roy, please introduce yourself -- name, position)

<ThomasB> In the last Region 3 meeting, Council Chairs were not informe of the Section Congress participation. Is it cleared now?

<Roy> Roy Harris Special Review Cmte Chair

<DaveG> By not informed, do you mean not funded?

<DaveG> GA ThomasB

<ThomasB> Are we funded or not? All region 3 members should make plan to attend according to the recent communication

<DaveG> I think the region voted at the region meeting to fund all ExCom members for attendance at Sections Congress -- correct BillHarri ?

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> True...

<BillHarri> Charles will distribute exact funding rules...

<DaveG> (Hi Jim, please introduce yourself -- name and position)

<ThomasB> Thanks Dave!

<BillHarri> I do not recall the exact agreement...

<BobD2> (DaveG: I'll be leaving abt 11:30, be back @2pm. Dick Riddle is SPC vice chair)

<Jim> Southcon Director and Treasurer

<BillHarri> and Charles Hickman in enroute to Romania on a church project...

<DaveG> (Thanks BobD)

<DaveG> (Thanks Jim Beall)

<BillHarri> He will clarify the funding when he returns.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> The Director-Elect's report is on the web (and mailed to you). Q/C?

<DaveG> OK, I think that moves us to the Discussion Agenda ...

<DaveG> Item 11a. Fall Meeting Plans -- GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> Sorry, I am a little slow...

<BillHarri> the telehone has been ringing...

<BillHarri> Go ahead with the next agenda item ,,,

<BillHarri> we need to hear from Lee, but he may have been disconnected.

<DaveG> ThomasB, I was off by one meeting -- the funding was discussed in the January Excom...

<DaveG> minutes are here: ...

<DaveG> Item 11b requires Lee who is off-line so I think we will move to item 11c. ...

<DaveG> Region 3 purchased a Gateway computer to host the Region 3 ...

<DaveG> ETI database which was developed by UAB. The deal cut between ...

<DaveG> the UAB Student Branch who did the development and Region 3 ...

<DaveG> was that the Student Branch would get the hardware at the end ...

<DaveG> of the project. Between the duration of the project and the ...

<DaveG> advancement of computer technology, the retired ETI computer ...

<DaveG> is obsolete (originally 90MHZ Pentium, upgraded a bit to ...

<DaveG> something like 200MHz). I plan to dispose via the UAB ...

<DaveG> process, the computer unless there are objections. The ...

<DaveG> hard drive will be wiped before sending the computer for ...

<DaveG> appropriate disposal. Q/C?

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> do it.

<DaveG> OK. ...

<DaveG> Let's back up to item 11b Section support 2005 Region MDC Campaign ... GA Lee

<Lee> Yes thanks...

<Lee> My connection froze again and I just reconnected...

<Lee> We have a Membership decline in Region 3 like many other Regions...

<Lee> At first some said that it was just a adjustment after the database was cleaned up...

<Jim> # Appears as ANNA

<Lee> But now we have a steady decline happening each year...

<Lee> I am trying to raise awareness of this issue to make everyone award that it is not someone else's job to promote membership...

<Lee> it is the job of all of us...

<Lee> via R3 communications this summer...

<Lee> we are trying to get everyone involved in bringing back old Members and finding new ones....

<Lee> In those communications, there are links that point to programs like Member-Get-A-Member and Member-Get-A-Student Member...

<Lee> these programs in your Sections / Chapters and ask each of your Members to find one new Member at work...

<Lee> We can turn the Membership problem around in a matter of months if we can get the team involved...

<Lee> Remember, without Membership growth, everything else that we talk about today and at Sections Congress is at risk...

<Lee> Do I have your promise to help ?

<DaveG> Q/C?

<JensH> Q

<DaveG> GA JensH

<JensH> Does the decline in membership affect students and regular members equally?

<Lee> Yes.

<JensH> Q

<DaveG> GA JensH

<JensH> Is the graduated dues program still in effect or has that been cancelled?

<Lee> c

<DaveG> GA Lee

<Lee> We still have the incentives as before, we just need to promote the value of Membership harder from now on.

<dbower> c

<DaveG> The graduated dues are now...

<DaveG> in one step (1/2 then full) rather than multi-year as years ago. ...

<DaveG> GA dbower

<dbower> What about...

<JensH> C

<dbower> the portable display to promote membership mentioned...

<dbower> in my report ?...

<dbower> and I sent pictures to david Green...

<dbower> for those who may want more details.

<DaveG> (small versions of these are linked with your report). GA JensH

<JensH> We had an interesting insight at the publications board. As more companies subscribe to the Electronic Library, many members said that was their main...

<JensH> incentive to be an IEEE member, and having now company access to it...

<ThomasB> q

<JensH> they just dropped their membership. That may be one of the effects we see here.

<DaveG> GA ThomasB

<ThomasB> I heard form one of our section chair David Eator that Life insurace Coverage for Florida no longer exists?

<Lee> c

<DaveG> GA Lee

<Lee> Okay guys lets not nitpit here like we always do...

<Lee> The value of IEEE is not just publications, discount insurance or cheap dues after graduation...

<Lee> The value of the IEEE is in the Network of people that you will meet at work and especially outside of your current job...

<Lee> We need to focus on what it takes to support a 40+ year career...

<Lee> By being a part of the IEEE Network, you have a educational and career support system that you can't get from any other activity that takes your time or money...

<Lee> We need to start selling the IEEE on the total value and not how cheap a product / service is from us...

<Lee> The value of the IEEE is "Us".

<DaveG> Q/C?

<JensH> C

<dbower> c

<DaveG> GA JensH

<JensH> Lee: You're right, and the members in regions 8,9, and 10 agree with that. It seems that the members in 1-7 seem to have a problem undestanding that.

<DaveG> GA dbower

<dbower> I agree with Lee...

<dbower> and he said it very well...

<dbower> it's about support of the EE profession...

<dbower> and all it's done for us !

<Lee> c

<DaveG> GA Lee

<Lee> One final point, we need to tell companies that hiring a IEEE Member is their best way of filling an open position. We could make our internal programs a way of training in soft skills that matter to companies...

<Lee> Either you hire a regular EE or one that has been trained by the IEEE system. How is that for Industrial Relations ?

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> OK, it looks like we have completed this discussion item. Thanks all and about the allotted ...

<DaveG> time for our first half of the meeting. We will convene again at 2pm EDST. BillHarri please make any closing comments you wish to and recess the meeting.

<DaveG> I guess BillHarri is on another call. Consider the meeting recessed and see you in 2hours. Thanks!

<BillHarri> This has evolved into a great conversation...

<DaveG> (oops Sorry Bill)

<BillHarri> These ideas in discussions need to to onto the "Friday before SC2005" R3 meeting...

<BillHarri> back at 2:00...

<BillHarri> and continue reports, but number 1 is get R3 ready for SC2005.

<DaveG> We are recessed.