SPAC R3 Coordinators Report - R3 Excom, July 9th, 2005 Jim Howard Ê As the Region 3 Student Professional Awareness Conference (S-PAC) coordinator, I am continuing to work with the Region 3 schools to host S-PACÕs throughout our Region.Ê The schoolÕs that have held, or are planning to host an SPAC this year are listed below: Ê ÊÊÊÊÊÊ REGION 3Ê S-PACs Ê S-PAC DATEÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ SCHOOL Ê 02/24/05 Ð Georgia Tech Ð COMPLETED 03/19/05 - Florida Institute of Technology - COMPLETED 03/25/05 Ð Virginia Tech Ð COMPLETED 04/04/05 Ð University of South Alabama Ð COMPLETED 10/05/05 Ð University of Florida 10/10/05 Ð Vanderbilt xx/xx/05 Ð University of South Florida Ð Date to be Determined Ê Ê IEEE-USA, along with Region 3, helps fund these S-PACÕs and we are encouraging all Sections to work with their Student Branches and plan to hold an SPAC during 2005-2006.Ê Sections should plan on assisting the Students with funds and volunteers (if needed) to make their SPAC a very successful experience for the Students. If your Section or Student Branch is interested in hosting an S-PAC, please contact me and we will work thru the details involved.Ê Also check out the IEEE-USA Web page, which steps the Student Branch through the process of hosting an SPAC. Ê Ê Ê Jim