IEEE DAYTONA SECTION Region 3 October 13,2005 Report We have been gaining momentum throughout the year. During the Summer break we had a field trip to Canaveral and an Excom meeting and many calls and emails. We met with Dr. Helfrick and others of the EE and ESystems Department of ERAU. We are planning a joint conference with ERAU on CyberSecurity and DSP. Our VC Charles Husbands and Dr. Liu are organizing it now and finding participants. It will include tutorial activities to bring students and others up to speed. We may seek sponsors. We can consider the conference committee a protochapter. We welcome the participation of members of other sections and their suggestions for speakers and activities. I was able to have a quarter page op-ed piece vaunting the joys of science and engineering education placed in the local Daytona Beach News-Journal, using the IEEE identification. Obtaining space is a matter of matching needs of the paper and the section and sometimes waiting for an issue in which several education items are addressed. Meetings in the recent past or planned future include: Simulation Support to ISAF Networks by Dr. Wittman of MITRE on September 22, Analysis or High Level Systems by Robert Haviland of UNK on October 20. Satellite Communication, Status and Trends, by Distinguished Lecturer Dr. Saj Durrani, NASA and CSC, ret., November 17, Probable private tour in the Museum of Arts and Sciences in December, Reliability Analysis of Power Distribution Systems by E. Lee Pettit, UNK, January 19, 2006, and Meetings on February 16, March 16, and April 20, 2006. We have extended the circulation of our Newsletter Sparks to include selected local businesses and institutions. We are thinking of having a table with techy toys and IEEE and engineering information at local fairs. We also throw around ideas like the creation of engineering board games and survival reality shows in which participants must recreate EE conveniences and necessities. Our student section has a high level of enthousiasm. Three members went to the Tennessee Training Session. They collected some school supplies for Katrina victims and delivered them to a local bank for pick-up by the Red Cross. They are planning to have Ed Kirchner of Northop Grumman in Melbourne conduct a seminar. They also have a program for obtaining free Ham Radio licences, another for making AM radios, and support for an Autonomous UAV Contest with the Robotics Club. We are trying to renew some activities at local precollege schools which now require more paperwork and planning because of new rules about outsiders on campus, even when accompanied. While ERAU is the most natural fit for IEEE activities, we seek to form relationships with other colleges. Down the line, ERAU will have an incubator park, and we will see if we can be supportive of this effort. Our role may be to help the academic, basic industrial, and public sectors protect themselves by diversification through each other. Respectfully Submitted, Dr. J Chair; Dr. Jane Owen, Vice Chair: Charles Husbands, Secretary: Allan Jusko, Treasurer: Elmer Pettit, Life Member Chair: Tracy Wichman, Student Activities Chair : Dr. Albert Helfrick, and Dr. Liu, Professional Activities Chair: Dr. Albert Helfrick, Membership Liason and Upgrade: Lew Unnewehr,