IEEE Florida West Coast Section Report to 
Region 3 and the Florida Council Meetings at Sections Congress 
October 13-17, 2005 
Tampa, Florida 

Accomplishments and Activities 
1. The section is continuing its activities in the form of technical and administrative activities as well as community relations. 
2. The section continues it involvement in the IEEE's "Teacher In Service" educational program. Section members have attended the training that was offered in Atlanta this year and are actively working with Tampa area school systems to offer the program. 
4. The USF student branch participated in the Southeastcon'06 robotics competition. The student branch continues to be active and is planning on offering an SPAC this year. Both students and student chairs participate in the monthly Section EXCOM meetings. 
5. Fifteen section and chapter technical meetings were already held since April, 2005. We also have several activities planned for the month of October. We are already planning for our big "Celebrate Engineering" banquet that will be held in February as a kick-off to Engineering Week. 
6. The section is sponsoring the 2005 Sections Congress conference, October 14-17. This conference draws members from IEEE sections around the world.  
7. The section is also participating in the organization of WAMICON 2006, 2006 IAS Annual Meeting, 2007 Annual PES Meeting, and the 2008 I&CPS Conference.

The section will continue to be very active and will participate in many activities that benefit the members and enhance our interaction with the community. We will also continue to seek organizing conferences that will benefit our members and our profession. 
 Respectfully Submitted;  

Jim Anderson 
Florida West Coast Section Vice-Chair 
October 13, 2005  
Florida West Coast Section Current Officers 
 CHAIR: Angela Alexander [] 
VICE CHAIR: Jim Anderson []
AWARDS: Richard Beatie
 COMPUTER / AESS Chapter: Jim Lumia SP / COMM Chapter: Hüseyin Arslan PE / IAS Chapter: Ghaff Khazami MTT / AP / ED Chapter: Ken A. O'Connor LIFE Chapter: Jules Joslow GOLD Chapter: Kristy Baksh USF STUDENT BRANCH CO-CHAIRS: Rudolf E. Henning / Zhen Tong