ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ TREASURER'S REPORT ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 18 SEPTEMBER 2005 Ê The attached report shows the status of the 2005 Region 3 budgetÊnear the end of the third quarter. On the income side, the IEEE Foundation has approved $25,000 in support of the National Scout Jamboree Emeritbadges project. Also, the Dominion Foundation provided a grant of $7,500 for this project. TheÊregional assessment is based on membership renewals, and most of these occur during the fourth quarter. The final assessment total is expected to be close to the budgeted amount of $40,000. Support for Sections Congress 2005 now totals $38,898 and represents 28 Sections and two Councils. Ê On the disbursements side, the Region will provide a substantial amountÊof support for attendees at Sections Congress 2005. Also, a PACE Workshop will be held later this year. Other disbursement accounts seem to be within normal limits. Through July, the long-term investment account has producedÊ$1,509 in dividends and interest and $3,090 in unrealized gains. This account currently is about $150k; the year to date performance was 3.58%. It is time to begin preparing the 2006 Region 3 budget. Please provide your requests for the areas under your responsibility by 7 October 2005 so we can review a draft budget at our Region meeting in Tampa.ÊIf you have any questions on this report or budget requests, please contact me. Ê Charles E. Hickman, Treasurer Region 3