SUBJECT: Public Information Report, Region 3 TO: Region 3 Executive Committee FROM: David Bower, R3 Public Information Officer; DATE: January 16, 2006 A photo display for Sections Congress 2005 was organized and prepared for exhibit at the Region 3 booth in Tampa, Florida. There were two separate, but related, standup photo displays. One focused on activities at the Region 3 level; the other focused on activities at the section level in Region 3. The Public Information Officer helped staff the booth in Tampa, and distribute literature. Pictures were made of activities at SC05 for later use, as needed. The above photo displays, at the request of the Region 3 Director, were exhibited at the IEEE Board Series meeting in Orlando, Florida. In addition, a third photo displayed was prepared (and exhibited) relating to Region 3 at Sections Congress. Pictures were made at the Board series meeting for later use, as needed. A photo display depicting Region 3 activities was prepared and displayed at the IEEE USA Conference in Tucson, Arizona. Pictures were made at the event, with emphasis on Region 3 participation. A regular series of articles were submitted for use in the Region 3 newsletter to promote the importance of public relations and "image" for IEEE, and the engineering profession. Photographs were also submitted, as appropriate, for use in the newsletter. The use of a small standup display to promote membership, with literature, was prepared and shown at various IEEE events. Photographs made at IEEE activities were either mailed to various individuals, or sent electronically (as appropriate).