Florida Council Report to Region 3 SoutheastCon 2006 Memphis, TN 1 April 2006 The twelve sections composing the Florida Council have each been active the first quarter of this year. In addition to the active nature of the member sections, the Florida Council's Vice-Chair Joey Duvall was very active in organizing the IEEE-USA Leadership Workshop in St. Louis earlier this month. This event was well attended by Florida sections and others in Region 3. In its 29th year, the Florida Council continues to serve as a conduit for information sharing and general asset to the member sections. Joe Juisai, past Orlando Section Chair and GOLD member, is our new Communications Committee chair, succeeding the late Dorrell Shirley. Eleven of the twelve sections are represented at SoutheastCon 2006. Highlights of the 1st Quarter 2006 are: Broward-Exploring the possibility of bidding to host SoutheastCon 2009. Canaveral-Hosting IEEE-USA Vice-President for Technology Policy Dr. Russell Lefevre for an April 18 meeting. Daytona-Hosting a CyberSecurity Seminar at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 4 April. See their website for more details. Florida West Coast-They and Orlando PES chapters were very active in offering opportunities for PE license renewals via CEU credits for their activities. Gainesville-Recently formed a EMB chapter. Jacksonville-Reaching 75th Anniversary. Melbourne-Very active with Florida Institute of Technology student branch, also active in employer recognition, Miami-Leading in FutureCity involvement and hosting conferences. Northwest Florida-Formed WIE group, exploring video conferencing to resolve distance impediment in having a section meeting members in both major population centers can attend. Orlando-UCF Student Branch has a LEOS student chapter, resulting in tremendous student growth in three months. Palm Beach-Served as conduit for Faraday Lecture for members and nonmembers. Tallahassee-Formed PES chapter recently, also holding joint meetings with ASME. Tentatively scheduled next meeting for the Florida Council is 19 August, hurricanes permitting. We look forward to participating in the Fall Region 3 meeting.