Tennessee Council Report Current officers list: Philip Lim, Chair; Tim Bigelow, Vice-Chair; Joe Legate, Secretary/Treasurer; David Bower, Past Chair. 1. We met the deadline in submitting the financial report to HQ in early February 2006. 2. Memphis Section is actively involved in organizing and the 2006 SoutheastCon. Mr. Allan Long is doing a great job in the planning and organizing. We are expecting right at 400 attendees to the conference which will be held in Memphis, Tennessee on 3/31/2006 to 4/1/2006. 3. Tri-Cities and Chattanooga sections are struggling to maintain their existence. At one point, it has been suggested that we dissolve Tri-Cities section. No decision has been finalized yet. 4. The Tennessee Council is ready to elect a new slate of officers for the new term. 5. Most of this year activities have revolved around the planing of the SoutheastCon by the Memphis Section. Respectfully, Philip Lim Chair Tennessee Council