To: Region 3 ExCom, Region 3 Sections From: Pat Donohoe, Region 3 Educational Activities Chair Subject: Educational Activities Committee Report Date: 17 March 2006 (Happy St. Patrick's Day to ya!) Region 3 will conduct a Teacher In-Service Program (TISP) workshop for Section volunteers at Southeastcon 2006 in Memphis on Saturday, April 1 from 8:00am to 12:00n. If your Section was unable to send a representative to the TISP workshop in Atlanta last summer, or you have additional Section volunteers who want to get involved in this program, this is your chance for your Section to contribute to this high-priority IEEE initiative. For more information on the TISP initiative, see the website below. The workshop will be conducted by Dr. Doug Gorham (Director of Educational Outreach for IEEE Educational Activities) and Ms. Amy Wilson (Atlanta Section K-12 Coordinator). The TISP workshop is open to any and all Section volunteers who want to attend (any travel support must come from the Section). IEEE Teacher In-Service Program website: The Educational Activities Committee Meeting at Southeastcon 2006 will consist of a focus group discussing how IEEE volunteers can support education in their local communities. Below is a message from Dr. Eric Marshall, Director of (New York Hall of Science) who will lead the focus group. We're looking for past, present, and future volunteers to share their stories. You're invited to participate in a discussion about the rewards and challenges of volunteering your professional expertise to support education in your community. The discussion is part of a partnership between IEEE and science and technology centers (museums) to make it easier for you to find the support you need to make a difference. Your valuable input will help guide this effort. Please join us!