To: Region 3 ExCom Fr: David Green, Region 3 ECSC Sb: Electronic Communications Systems Coordinator Report Dt: 27 March 2006 I have agreed to continue to work with Communications Chair Bill Clayton, Webmaster Eric Ackerman, Newsletter Editor Quang Tang and many others this year to help facilitate communications for IEEE service to the member. I am serving as the Electronic Communications Systems Coordinator (ECSC). We have changed this position's title to separate the Region function from the RAB liaison function of the ECC. The communications chair will provide the RAB liaison function. The electronic services used by IEEE volunteers includes E-mail, mailing lists, Newsgroups, Web services, TWiki Site, IRC, eNotice, aliases, Region 3 OnLine Community and as well as experimental capabilities like richer conferencing environments and collaboration services. We are considering which services to retire (and which to add) to make sure we provide appropriate support for Region 3 activities. One recently added service is BaseCampHQ project management service to support the new Region 3 Initiatives. In a related activity, I am working on details of an Organizational Unit management system that may be a RAB tool for sections and regions in the future.