Engineer Region 3 - Help Desk

Lead Organization

Ad Hoc Project Team


To create a volunteer ‘helpdesk’ that is widely advertised and easily accessed through a web-based FAQ and email alias. This helpdesk will respond to specific requests for information and help from the volunteers in Region 3.


Bill Marshall, Chair
Others TBD

Major Activities / Milestones

Objectives, Actions and Deliverables

It is important that this site not overlap excessively with material on the IEEE-HQ site; but, there is need for a easily-searchable solution-oriented resource for new, and experienced, volunteers to be able to query from. Also, we will need to coordinate with the ‘Knowledge Capture’ effort being led by Charles Lord to avoid duplication with that initiative.

Question-answer dialogues will not be posted in a public location (e.g., forum). This encourages more volunteers seek ask for help. For example, it makes it easier for them to ask those ‘dumb questions’ that they don’t want to ask publicly; or it provides a way for them to ask sensitive questions like ‘hey, staff screwed up my report; how can I fix it?” or “I’m not sure we’re spending rebate money properly in our section; what should I do?”. We won’t try to be personal counselors, and we won’t help someone avoid proper practices; but we can provide beneficial comments that might assist them.

This third step is the real goal of this initiative, but I believe that the first two steps are vital preparatory actions for making this email service work well.