IEEE-USA Awards are due by August 31st. Anyone who has a submission after today should send it directly to john twitchell and and copy I will be unable to forward anything after today, but nominations can still be submitted. We have submitted 8 region 3 members for award consideration so far. Let’s keep going! The deadline for RAB Awards is approaching. It is October 15th. Details were sent to region officers and section chairs today. The awards history has been updated thanks to Roy’s efforts in recapturing this history. Thank you Roy and everyone who helped him! Consideration on how to simply the awards process for submitters, reviewers, and processors is underway. An initial design is undergoing some revision at this time. Please start thinking about Region Awards. That process starts 4th Quarter. Start now and get the paperwork out of the way early! That will give ample time to obtain endorsement letters which really help the reviewers understand the member’s contributions. There must be many outstanding engineers throughout our region who deserve some recognition. Sorry I’ll miss the phone conference, but I’ll be away on IEEE WIE business. (Au revior!) Best Wishes, Mary Ellen Randall Region 3 Awards & Recognition chair