Leadership Development Committee Leadership by Developing Others Initiative Combined reports to the R3 Excom and Committee 28 August 2006 The main activity since my last report was the 2-day sweep of the Eastern NC Section and its Lower Cape Fear Sub-section (Wilmington, NC area) on July 11-12. The ENCS presentation on the 11th was very well received by the 26 attendees, which included about 1/2 the section excom and many interested members. The presentation on the 12th took place at the UNC-Wilmington's executive training center. There were 6 attendees: 3 were IEEE members, 1 was an ex-member, and 2 were non-members. None were part of the past executive committees of the subsection. The attendees were very receptive of the training, and two expressed some interest in seeing more activities in the Wilmington area. Follow-up with the attendees has not shown one of the LDO attendees to desire to be the facilitator, much less leader, of a new LCFSS. I will pass future LCFSS activities back to my other hat of NC Council Chair and will discuss it more in that report. Now - the EXCITING news. Make your plans now to attend the Fall meeting and training extravaganza in Atlanta Oct 27-29, 2006. The Friday session starts at 10AM and is NOT, repeat NOT a repeat of any of my past training, nor is it all lecture. We are going to start off a weekend full of tools and exercises, discussions and working together to help all of us grow our sections and be better leaders. There will be a number of group and interactive training sessions that will be applicable to section leaders, PACE leaders, A/C leaders, and our excom. Over the weekend we will look at problem solving, volunteer recruitment, ways of coming into personal contact with the members and ENGAGING the member. I am working with the region leadership in order to make this a Fun, Rewarding, and Energizing time for all. Now, I understand that getting all of Friday off from work is a challenge, after all I have worked for other people in past lives. But get there as soon as you can because we hope to hit the ground running and not look back. Make your travel plans NOW and I look forward to seeing all of you in October! Charles J. Lord, P.E. IEEE Region 3 Leadership Development Chair IEEE Region 3 LDO Initiative Chair IEEE Region 3 Archives Initiative Chair IEEE NC Council Chair IEEE Eastern NC Section PACE Chair c.j.lord@ieee.org