Awards & Recognition Committee Report 1. Roy recaptured much of the missing Award history. Roy dug through old minutes to find out who actually won and went back several years. That information has been added to the web site. In Atlanta, we will pass around the information we have and ask members in attendance to help us fill in the rest. 2. A list of all the awards in IEEE has been compiled and had some HQ review. It will be available at the Atlanta meeting. It is amazing all the awards that IEEE has available to members. 3. A list by month of what awards are due has been compiled and will be available in Atlanta. 4. Design of a more automated awards process is still underway, working with HQ to tie into already existing process for RAB awards. 5. The Awards Manual has been updated with some missing information. There's more that can be done there. Respectfully submitted, Mary Ellen Randall Region 3 ARC 2005-2006 WIE Committee chair (919) 612-9055