Jacksonville Section Officers for 2006 Chairperson Butch Shadwell Vice Chair Sherif Elfayoumy Secretary George Cooper Treasurer Steve Doll Sr. Past Chair George Cooper Appointed Positions =================== Professional Activities Butch Shadwell Membership Development Butch Shadwell Student Activities Butch Shadwell Electronic Communications Ross Greg and George Cooper Society Chairs ============== Computer Sherif Elfayoumy Power Engineering/Industry Applications Darrell Wilson Narrative: After what looked like a promising first quarter, the chapter chairs got distracted and have not followed through with scheduled meetings. I have scheduled a Computer Society meeting for November 8th at UNF. The speaker is Robert Hobbs, one of our members, who will be speaking on Automated Software Testing and Quality Control. Our next meeting is scheduled for December 6th. The tentative topic will be back up generators for homes and small businesses. We are planning a December social, the date and location are not decided. We will have at least three more excom meetings this year too. We received our 75-year banner this year and look forward to the next quarter century of service to our members. Respectfully, Butch Shadwell Jacksonville Section Chair Tel. 904-223-4465 (USA) www.shadtechserv.com