To: Region 3 ExCom Fr: David Green, Region 3 ECSC Sb: Electronic Communications Systems Coordinator Report Dt: 11 December 2006 The electronic services used by IEEE volunteers includes E-mail, mailing lists, Newsgroups, Web services, TWiki Site, IRC, eNotice, aliases, Region 3 OnLine Community, the Region 3 Meeting server, and as well as experimental capabilities like richer conferencing environments and collaboration services. I continue to work with others in Regional Activities to start up a super-project to develop tools for the Sections and Chapters. The group has held a few face to face meeting, and many IRC and teleconferences related to two projects: * Meeting Facilitation (announcement creation, registration, etc.) - expected to Beta March/April 2007. * Data driven web site (near automatic maintenance of a minimal web site using data already reported officers, meetings (other project) - expected to Beta September 2007. A Region 3 Volunteer Blog test has been established. If you have content that should be considered for this blog, please send it to me. The blog is at and one can subscribe to an RSS feed to it. Presently the Secretary is posting items to the blog for the Region.