To: Region 3 ExCom Fm: Bob Duggan, Flat World Initiative chair Subj:: Flat World Initiative Report for 1/07 ExCom ==================================================================== Year-End Report 10 January 2007 1. The Flat World initiative webpage was prepared and has been frequently updated: This page focuses on IEEE Region 3: o Why the Flat World is pertinent to IEEE o How the Flat World Reality is seen throughout Region 3 o What IEEE members and entities can do to recognize the Flat World Reality 2. Tom Friedman's best seller "The World Is Flat" now has an extensive addendum, describing and praising the work of Georgia Tech in embracing the Flat World reality. This is good Region 3 P.R. 3. Articles re the Flat World Initiative were submitted for the Spring Reg 3 Newsletter. An article re the Flat World Initiative was also submitted and included in the June Newsletter. A write-up missed the Fall R3 Newsletter by a misunderstanding, but a draft is ready for the next newsletter. 4. Recent articles in the Tau Beta Pi BENT, the BRIDGE of HKN, EE Times, & IEEE-USA have addressed globalization, the flat world, and the pros and cons of the Flat World economy we now are facing. Correspondence has been exchanged with authors Lyle Feisel(TBPi), Joel Cuello (U of AZ), Kenneth Connor (RPI), Kenneth Jenkins (PennState), Frank Burge (EET), Ralph Wyndrum (IEEE-USA), John Meredith (IEEE Reg 5), and Lew Terman (IEEE Pres-Elect). Several have commented on the Region 3 Flat World website. 5. Interest in the Flat World Initiative has been expressed in Atlanta for Engineers' Week 2007. 6. The IEEE International Microwave Symposium will be held in Atlanta in 2008. We are discussing with MTT-S how the Flat World Initiative may be included in the symposium planning. 7. References/links to pertinent articles in the press are still being added to the Flat World webpage. 8. Feedback and suggestions are constantly solicited and always appreciated. 9. On a personal note my sacroiliac dysfunction problems are still being addressed with frequent physical therapy visits but with mixed results. ==================================================================== Bob Duggan, chair Flat World Initiative Robert S. (Bob) Duggan, Jr. r.duggan at (Homepage) (Genealogy page)