March 2007 Virginia Council Report to Region 3 I can sympathize with George Washington after the Battle of Trenton. While he had decisively defeated the Prussians, he still faced a long, cold winter in Valley Forge. We have all indications that SoutheastCon 2007 will be tremendously successful. Our efforts have created bonds with members across the state that will serve us through the hard times ahead. However, we have serious problems in the Council itself that will not be solved immediately. The Council had their first meeting of 2007 in January. While we only have two of the four officers confirmed, we proceeded to identify the issues affecting our sections and developed strategies to attack them. We have initiated an Online Community for the Virginia Council. We are using it to coordinate both section and Council activities. Procedures and organization are still under development. We hope to streamline activities and maintain better communications through online collaboration. We have begun with an exchange of newsletters and use of online community discussions to address issues. We recognize our Council and section bylaws need conversion to operations manuals. We need to address issues ranging from quorum definition to elections of Council officers; addressing practical problems we have encountered and insuring alignment with RAB bylaws. We must train section leaders on an annual basis. This years' training got lost in the shuffle and we are working with Charles Lord to develop a training schedule. The Code of Virginia now requires Professional Engineers to engage in continuing education. The Virginia Engineering Licensing Board is a long way from developing their procedures and guidelines. The Council hopes to work together make sure their technical meetings earn CEU credits. We need help in building our volunteer base. Our Council's problems are not unique. The world is changing and we would like to understand the needs of our members and volunteers better. The IEEE web site indicates they have information on this subject, but attempts to withdraw it have been futile. Likewise, we need SAMIEE to include the corporate ties of IEEE members so we can better exploit corporate partnerships. We are engineers and we expect courses of action supported by facts. We need membership initiatives based on their demonstrated effectiveness and strategic potential. At SoutheastCon, we hope to have at least one more officer identified. We will also look for opportunities to advance our Council goals. The good news is that we have had tremendous support from our sections and I am sure we will work through our difficulties. Respectfully Submitted, Bill Clayton w.clayton @ 2007-2008 Chair Current Officers Bill Clayton, Chair Vacant, Vice Chair Jan Helge Bohn Secretary Vacant, Treasurer Adeeb Hamzey, Past Chair