IEEE Winston-Salem Section Report March 2007 Section Officers: Chair: David Griffith Vice Chair: Bob Jackson Secretary/Treasurer: Leon Shore Past Chair: Jim Kemerling Webmaster: Dennis Dice Section Committees: Professional Activities PACE Chair: Dennis Dice Membership Development Chair: Dick Riddle In 2006, the Winston-Salem Section continued their tradition of excellent and well-attended section meetings. Nine meetings were held with an average attendance of twentyfive. Student attendance continued to be strong. 2007 continues to be a strong year for section meeting attendance. A Life Member Affinity group was established. Two meetings were held to develop a role for the group in the Section. Also in 2006 the section supported the annual Egg-Drop contest, manned an IEEE booth during Engineers Week, and provided support to a local science teacher interested in providing electronics projects for students. Our goals for 2007 include: * Grow membership, especially among younger engineers. * Participate with the Central North Carolina Section in the Teacher-in-Service program. * Explore establishment of a student chapter. * Continue attempts to establish an EMBS subchapter. Respectfully submitted, David Griffith, Chair