IEEE Central Georgia Section Report 2007 2007 Section Officers: Chairman: Rick J. Noel Vice Chairman: Cliff Menchew Treasurer: Lewis Mozzini Secretary: Suraj Padmanabhan Membership Development: Adam Wofford Webmaster: Dan Bishop Profession Activities IEEE Section Technical Meetings/Tours held during 2007 Jan: Rick Noel, Ball Aerospace, Deep Impact mission video presentation. Feb: Dr. John Lee, Mercer Univ., Laser Spectroscopy presentation. Mar: Joint Association of Old Crows/IEEE symposium/meeting. Apr: Mercer Engineering Robotics Team demonstration. May: Dr. Randall Peters, Mercer Univ., Kalman Filter Tutorial Jun: Dennis Glover, Robins Air Force Base, Nikola Tesla presentation. Sep: John Mathieson, Robins Air Force Base, Software Assurance. Oct: Damon Woodson, GA Power, Plant Scherer Electric Plant tour. Nov: Dennis Ludwig, Internet Protocol (IP), Version 6 (Planned). Attended SouthEastCon07, received 25th Anniversary Banner for Central GA section. Presented Eddy Current Copper Pipe Magnet demonstration to the Sonny Carter Elementary school science teachers, on behalf on the IEEE Central GA section. Student Branch Activities Continue support to the IEEE Student Branch at Mercer University Provide support to IEEE Student Branch projects, such as the robotic competition at SoutheastCon08 Our Challenges: Increase meeting attendance and broaden the base of our section leadership. Increasing and upgrading our IEEE section membership. Continue to update our IEEE Central GA Section website. Submitted by, Rick J. Noel Central Georgia IEEE Section Chairman Email: RNoel @ Rick.Noel @