28 October 2007 We have been fairly active in the communications committee. Some of our activities have been documented in our newsletter. The rest are available on TWiki at https://tinyurl.com/dxaha. Our biggest concern right now is how to effectively use your communications dollars to deliver the Region 3 message to our members. On the fun side, we have been playing, I mean experimenting , with voice over IP technology. Right now we have had our most success with Skype, but we will continue to experiment with other toys, I mean tools. I want to encourage everyone to subscribe to our Region 3 blog using RSS. Once you understand how RSS works, you will find it essential in keeping in touch with topics of both personal and professional nature. Right now our blog is located at https://ieeer3.blogspot.com/. We certainly will investigate how the new opportunities shown here in Birmingham can be used to make life easier. We have three sections that are also using Blogspot as part of their communications strategy. Check them out: https://ieeerichmond.blogspot.com/ https://ieeeet.blogspot.com/ https://ieeehamptonroads.blogspot.com/ Our blogs are not the typical rants of thirteen year old script kiddies. The blog provides the section with a simple, user friendly web presence that lets anyone, even a power engineer, be a webmaster. I continue to encourage anyone with a communications question or answer to participate in our (approximately) bi-weekly meetings. Just drop me a line if you want to be added to The List to get invitations. Respectfully Submitted, Bill Clayton Region 3 Communications Chair w.clayton @ ieee.org