R3 SPAC Report

By Jim Howard, Region 3 SPAC Coordinator


Currently we have the following Student Branches in Region 3 planning SPAC’s for 2008

(Note: Additional R3 Student Branch’s are considering hosting an SPAC and are in the planning stages)


Memphis – January 2008

Georgia Tech – February 2008

USF – Date TBD



Every Student Branch Should Be Planning Now to Host a

Student Professional Awareness Seminar (SPAC) in 2008

So What is a Student Professional Awareness Conference (S-PAC)?

Engineers must be proficient, professionally astute, and clearly aware of their responsibility to society. Student Professional Awareness Conferences (S-PACs, pronounced "ess-paks") explore the subjects that affect engineers' careers, regardless of how well engineers prepare themselves technically. 

First introduced in 1979, S-PACs are an effective vehicle to transmit the professional awareness that enhances the technical education they receive in engineering school.  S-PACs permit students to learn from the varied experience of successful engineers.

The conferences have potential to increase student membership and to encourage ongoing participation in IEEE. S-PACs are becoming a strong force for improving the electrical engineering profession over the coming years. 

 S-PACs are structured events where students listen to experienced engineers from diverse backgrounds discuss topics from the six critical categories (listed below).  Students have a chance to interact with the speakers, usually through a roundtable discussion.  Typically, S-PACs are half a day, and involve two or three speakers.

Six Critical Categories for SPAC include:

·         Career Growth

·         Working

·          Professional Ethics and Social Responsibility

·          Self-Management

·          Engineers and Public Policy

·          The Importance of a Professional Society to You

Region 3, in combination with IEEE-USA has funds available and will supply speakers for your Student SPAC.   Just contact the Region 3 SPAC Coordinator, Jim Howard, and start planning for your SPAC now.

 For more information, check the web page listed below:
