Region 3 Leadership Development and Regional Support Report 25 February 2008 Charles Lord, Leadership Development and Regional Support Chair Leadership Development efforts continue in Region 3. In January, I held a leadership development workshop for the Virginia Council in Richmond. By request, I am working on some modules for training specific positions or groups of positions in each section and chapter: - Chair - Vice Chair / Program Chair - Secretary / Webmaster / Newsletter Editor / SAMIEEE Recipient - Treasurer These modules will be presented on-line with a live instructor over either Microsoft LiveMeeting or the new IBM SameTime conferencing services and can be attended by any and all interested volunteers in our region. There will be a mix of sessions that will either use a separate telephone line for the audio and some will make use of VOIP technology. It is hoped that these will preclude the need for Ôtechnical' IEEE training (how to run a section and how to do reporting, etc) for section and chapter officers in a face-to-face venue such as at SoutheastCon. For this reason, we will not have a "leadership training" session the Friday before SoutheastCon 2008 but will have some specialized training available during the Region 3 meetings (more on this as we get closer to the meeting). The new on-line presentations will last one hour each and will be held weeknights from 9-10PM Eastern (8-9 Central). If enough requests are made, some may be offered at 9-10 Central (10-11 Eastern) or on weekends. Expect an announcement in the next couple of weeks of the dates and times. My goal is to hold at least one of each of the four modules by April 1 (before SoutheastCon). Keep in mind that the above web-based training does not mean that I will not do any more local training, particularly at the area/council level. If your area or council wishes, I can still put on various levels of local training. For example: I am working on a new Leadership Retreat model similar to the retreats that were done in NC previously. I am planning a weekend retreat for the NC Council to be held at the coast during the Summer that would be open to all. I will pass along details as the time gets closer. This will be similar to the previous IEEE-USA Professional Development Conferences except geared toward IEEE leadership positions. My work with the NC Council and NCC Chair Dr James Conrad will take the results of this workshop and hopefully plan a Ôcommercial' professional development workshop that the NCC can market to members and non-members in the fall (NOT close to SC08!), also somewhere at the NC Coast. This latter project will be joint with the "Member Education and Training" effort of my other position as Member Development Chair and will be planned in conjunction with R3 PACE and Educational Activities. Part of my role as LDRS Chair is the Regional Support function. If your section or chapter is struggling to exist or "survive", please let George McClure, Bill Ratcliff, or myself know. We will be making some rejuvenation plans for the Lower Cape Fear Subsection (Wilmington, NC area) as well as for any section that needs it. More on these efforts as we go forward. Please let me know how this committee can better serve you! Charles J. Lord, P.E. IEEE Region 3 Leadership and Training Chair IEEE Region 3 Member Development Chair IEEE Region 3 Archive Chair IEEE NC Council Educational Activities Chair IEEE Eastern NC Section PACE Chair IEEE Eastern NC Section Embedded Systems SIG Chair