South Carolina Council / Area 7 Report for May 2008 Region 3 ExCom Sections Congress 2008, SC08, participation is being promoted to Section Chairs with emphasis on designating a Primary Delegate consistent with the guidelines in the SC08 presentation (SC08-April_2008-v02-dct.pdf) available on the SC08 website with encouragement for the Sections to sponsor at least one additional participant. A program of visiting each Section annually has been started with participation at the Central Savannah River Section meeting May 12. Program objectives are: - Demonstrate organization interest to individual members - Provide support to Section officers - Directly inform members about MGA organization, activities, initiatives - Gather member feedback, issues, and concerns - Promote individual involvement in Section and other IEEE activities (local and those more global) Member Feedback/Concern: There is a significant lack of young member participation. Few, if any, recent graduates and early career members attend Section meetings. A small number of members are willing to take Officer positions and often those that do will be called upon to do so more than once. This concern was raised by a Central Savannah River Section member who has held many leadership positions at the Section and Area level. I have observed the same trend in the Columbia Section. I found it less prevalent when a member of sections in large population areas, specifically Minneapolis-St. Paul (1977-95), Philadelphia (1972-77), and Washington DC (1963-72). Respectfully, John Montague, Chair Area 7 - South Carolina Council