Area 8 Report for the January 12, 2008 Region 3 Executive Committee e-conference. Evansville-Owensboro Section: Paul Blaylock, Chair of the Evansville-Owensboro section reports that his immediate response to the Sections Congress is very positive but is still in development. The primary response has been motivational, and led directly to his increased commitment to section leadership. Addisu Taddese has been appointed as the new webmaster, and the section has started pulling together a stronger online presence. The section has acquired the functional email address to help increase communication between officers, and plans for this to be the first point of contact for their web presence. They have acquired web space within the IEEE servers, but have not yet deployed their content. An IEEE Evansville- Owensboro group has been created on Linked-IN and they have started using a public Evansville Owensboro Google Calendar for planned section events. Lexington Section: Adam Case Ward reports that the Lexington Section is now using the vtools meeting function and that Don Hill has set up the vtools election function. Ray Williams, the section secretary, is using the vtools meeting function to generate his L31 reports. Respectfully Submitted, John Parr Area 8 Chair