Region 3 Director Elect Report - January 2009 Region 3, Director Ratcliff has asked me to chair an ad hoc committee to review and develop support options for Region 3 IEEE Members that have been affected by current economic issues. Let me know if you would like to volunteer to help on this important committee. In the meantime, Region 3 does have a Employment Assistance web site at, I do need all of you to review the site and let me know of updates and additions. I am particularly interested in improving the employment assistance links for each of our Region 3 states. I have attached the latest Membership Development Report for Region 3. As of this November report, Region 3 has 30,313 total members. We are down slightly from 2007. We do have several outstanding Sections in terms of membership growth versus November, 2007, - Gainesville Section, 64 new members - Mobile Section, 14.8 % growth The IEEE 125th Anniversary year has arrived and Region 3 is a big part of it, Let's use this celebration as a goal and a challenge to grow Region 3 to its biggest and best every. Every one of our Region 3 "renewing" members received four Member Get A Member, MGM, cards in the envelope containing their new Membership Card. Please encourage all of your Section members to use these cards and give them to associates at work and ask them to join the best professional organization in the world. A enotice from the Section EXCOM to your local members with this encouragement would be a great idea. You can order more MGM cards at, You can even print and customize your own MGM cards for special events with the AVERY formatted sheet that is attached. Remember, EWEEK 2009 is coming. You may ask, what's the big deal with these MGM cards ? The answer is, if you use them, they work. Just think, we could double the size of Region 3 in early 2009 if every member used these MGM cards. I'm counting on you to ask everyone to help. Also make sure that you have a active Membership Development Chair in your Section. Don't forget to submit their name to the IEEE Officer Database at, Thanks for all of your help. Sincerely, Lee Stogner, PMP Region 3 Membership Development Chair Region 3 Director Elect, 2008 - 2009