IEEE Orlando Section Report Region 3 March 2009 Meeting Issues requiring action by Region 3 Committee or EXCOM: - Large number members in rear - Orlando 50th anniversary celebration and IEEE 125th anniversary celebration assistance Opportunities for Engaging the Member, Volunteer, and Non-Member: Section Awards Banquet was held on October 28th, total 5 scholarships were awarded to UCF undergraduate and graduate students, $1000 each. A joint Section and Student Branch Student Membership Drive held on November 3rd Section Holiday Party held on Dec 5th 2008 at Marriott Orlando Downtown A joint ED Chapter, CPMT Chapter and Student Branch Membership Drive held on February 6, 2009 at UCF Provided two judges and two special awards for Seminole County Regional Engineering, Science and Mathematics Fair Notable Section Activities: - Elected New Section Officers for year 2009, appointed Section Committee Chairs. - Election of chapter officers for 2009 are underway, Chapter Officers of last year continue to serve as interim officers until new officers are elected - EXCOM meetings have been held monthly. Had Oct, Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar ExCom meetings since Region 3 Sept 08 meeting. - Chapter technical meetings have been held on regular basis. All Chapters meet 2 meetings minimum requirements for 2008. - Computer Chapter had IEEE DLP talk on Dec. 9th. - Filed L-50 and L-31 forms before February 20th Early Submission Deadline. - Technical activities continue to be strong in 2009: AP/MTT, ED, CPMT CRS all had technical meetings in February. - CRS Chapter hosted IEEE SMC Society President Dr. Yeung to give a DLP talk on February 17th at UCF. Dr. Yeung also gave the DLP talk at Daytona Section on Feb. 19th. - UCF student branch has teams compete in hardware, software, Ethnics and T-shirt design. - Orlando Section co-sponsored Central Florida E-Week Awards banquet. - Orlando Section is preparing a bid for SoutheastCon 2009 to be held at Orlando. - Membership renewal situation is extremely challenging, as of March 1st, 392 members in rear, more than a quarter of members are lapse in membership renewal. - Orlando Section was Charted on May 13 1959 and May 13 2009 will be its 50th anniversary and the same date is IEEE 125th anniversary. Major celebration events are being planned. 2009 Section Officers are: Chair - Donghui Wu Vice Chair - Xun Gong Treasurer - Kalpathy Sundaram Secretary - Michael Orlovsky Membership Development Chair: William Hortos Junior past Chair: Steve Karlovic Senior past Chair: Tom Wandeloski Respectfully submitted, Donghui Wu, Section Chair, Senior Member, IEEE March 6, 2009