IEEE Region 3 Executive Committee - 2009

Updated: 27 August 2009

  1. *Director -- William (Bill) Ratcliff
  2. *Director Elect -- Lee Stogner
  3. *Secretary -- David G. Green
    1. Asst. Secretary -- Gregg L. Vaughn
  4. *Treasurer -- Charles E. Hickman, Ph.D., P.E.
    1. Asst. Treasurer -- Don Hill
  5. *Past Director -- George F. McClure
  6. *Area 1 / Virginia Council -- Bill Clayton
  7. *Area 2 / North Carolina Council -- Jim Corr
  8. *Area 3 / Georgia -- Curtis Lee
  9. *Area 4 / Florida Council -- Quang Tang
  10. *Area 5 / Tennessee Council -- Tim Bigelow
  11. *Area 6 / Alabama & Mississippi --Keith Jadus
  12. *Area 7 / South Carolina Council -- John Montague
  13. *Area 8 / Kentucky & Indiana -- Jerry Goerz
  14. *Area 9 / Jamaica -- Wilfred Roberts
  15. *Awards & Recognition -- Mary Ellen Randall
  16. *Audit -- Dale Caston
  17. *Communications -- William (Bill) Clayton
    1. Electronic Communications Systems Coordinator -- David G. Green
    2. Newsletter Editor -- William LaBelle
    3. Public Information -- David L. Bower
    4. Webmaster -- Eric Ackerman, Ph.D.
  18. *Conference -- Sean Haynes / Donald W. Hill
    1. SouthCon Director (Sr.) -- Jim Beall
    2. SouthCon Director (Jr.) -- Jim Howard
    3. SoutheastCon 2007 Chair -- Sean Haynes/Adeeb Hamsey
    4. SoutheastCon 2008 Chair -- Eric Grigorian, Keith Jadus
    5. SoutheastCon 2009 Chair -- Amy Wilson, Bill Marshall
    6. SoutheastCon 2010 Chair -- James Conrad
    7. Sections Congress Coordinators - Jim Howard/Sean Haynes
  19. *Educational Activities -- Bruce Walcott, Ph.D.
  20. *Finance Committee -- Charles E. Hickman, Ph.D., P.E.
  21. *Leadership Development and Regional Support -- Charles Lord
  22. *Member Development and Life Cycle Management -- Charles Lord, P.E.
    1. Life Members Regional Coordinator -- David McLaren
    2. GOLD Representative -- Wah Wah Myint Garris
    3. Industry Relations -- Alan Thomas
    4. Membership Recruitment, Renewal, Recovery -- Lee Stogner
    5. Women in Engineering Liaison -- Parveen Wahid
  23. *Nominations & Appointments -- George McClure
  24. *Professional Activities -- Adeeb Hamzey / Susan Ronning
    1. SPAC Coordinator -- Jim Howard
    2. IEEE USA Career & Employment Assistance -- Carl Hussey
    3. IEEE-USA Government Relations -- Lee Stogner / George McClure
    4. IEEE USA Pre-College Committee -- Ralph Russell
  25. *Strategic Planning -- Richard (Dick) Riddle
    1. History -- Vernon Powers
    2. Special Projects -- tbd
    3. Special Review -- Roy Harris
  26. *Student Activities -- Eric Ackerman / Pat Donohoe
    1. Student Representative -- Matthew Erickson
  27. Tellers Committee -- David Green
  28. Other Ad Hoc Committees
    1. Section Governance Ad Hoc - Bill Tiedemann
    2. Technical Liaison Ad Hoc
    3. Economic Impact Assessment Ad Hoc - Lee Stogner

* Denotes voting member of R3 ExCom

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