Gentle People of Region 3 It has been my pleasure to Chair the 2008-2009 Communications Committee. The committee includes three sub-committees: Electronic Communication Systems Coordination, Newsletter Support, Public Information, and Web Support We met 11 times this year collaboratively moving things forward on the majority of our goals. We had a number of successes, however we did still have plenty of opportunity for growth. Our work with collaborative tools allowed us to conduct almost monthly ExCom's and two virtual training sessions. The committee supported each of these efforts by providing technical support as needed. In addition to our planned activities, we spent a fair amount of time on operations manual revisions to reflect updated challenges provided by the Director and our own assessments. These changes addressed the new paradigms associated with the move from RAB to MGA. One of our major changes has been to expand our charter beyond simple communications to include introduction of just about any technical tool to improve Region operations. We significantly addressed each of our 2009 Goals:     * Streamline Region 3 communications     * Support roll out of new technology     * Have fun The goals were decomposed to a set of Objectives and related metrics. Here is how we fared on each objective. Objective 1. Publish four newsletters per year clearly delivering Region 3 messages. Metric: Use random survey to test penetration of key messages - e.g. awareness of MGA transition We actually published three newsletters this year. We tried a survey using the free version of Webmonkey which was not up to the task. We have found Google docs provides an adequate free capability and will be using it to gain insight into our final newsletter of 2009 and for next years newsletters. Objective 2. Increase public awareness of Region 3 activities Metric: Track number of press releases published in local papers to establish a baseline? We did not achieve significant progress on this matter. Our public information committee was involved in trying to identify better methods to preserve photographs from major Region 3 events. We are hoping to work with the Historian and Archivists on this additional matter in 2010. Objective 3. Clean up Region 3 web site, eliminating obsolete and incomplete information Metric: Quarterly random check of web site with no errors We did not develop a random check program, however appropriate changes submitted to webmaster were promptly implemented. We encourage each ExComm member to look at their committee's section of the website and submit appropriate corrections. Objective 4. Develop best practices for electronic communications with members and committees Metric: Publish email standard practices, endorsed by ExCom We had a number of discussions on this matter and some of our ideas have been documented in our wiki. We hope to find time in the near future to finish this up and provide a useful product both published in a newsletter and placed on our website. Objective 5. Participate in IEEE beta testing of new technologies - such as Sametime, Wiki Metric: Provide substantial feedback to IEEE staff, IEEE Information Technologies Strategy Committee, and Region 3 ExCom on each tool identified We have spent a lot of effort in this area. We worked extensively with Adobe Connect and HighDef Conferencing (aka Skype Bridge). These tools have been used successfully in both ExComm meetings and by various committees. In addition, we assessed free version of Dimdim. We felt its capabilities were not a great match against our requirements. We are still looking for a collaborative tool that includes voice with up to 100 users that is more competitive than Adobe Connect. We would also like to applaud a number of sections and committees on their adaptation of technology to bring 21st century solutions to our communications requirements. * First there is Lee Stogner's frequent Membership Development web casts.  * East Tennessee ( and Hampton Roads ( have joined our own Region 3 secretary ( in using Web 2.0 to get the word out. * Memphis Section has been using Google Calendars to dress up their web site and better serve their members ( * We were also delighted to see that this upcoming SoutheastCon 2010 is using Yahoo Groups  We will be interested in seeing their feedback. Objective 6. Provide a practical video conference capability to ExCom and other Region 3 meetings Metric: 100% Region 3 on-line meeting conducted using video within budget Some of the tools in use have limited video capability. We need better requirements before we can assess our progress against this metric. Everyone on the ExCom is invited to provide their performance vs. cost criteria. Objective 7. Study methods to enhance member engagement on the Region 3 web site Metric: Identify changes to the Region 3 web site that will personalize the member's experience This is a hard one. Right now we are still trying to understand how we can better serve the member without getting into changes to the web site. Once we understand the overall requirement, hopefully we can be inspired to figure out how we can use the web site to empower the member. Objective 8. Move IEEE new production technology into Region 3 mainstream Metric: New tools become fully institutionalized within Region 3 operations We have been working with the various pilot programs and are standing by for the more long term solutions. While in the Communications Committee we have a fairly high tolerance to new technology, we do not want to cause more problems than we solve by embracing temporary solutions that we sell to the members and then pull away. Once HQ chooses and funds their final set of solutions, we will embrace this task with more vigor across the entire Region 3 hierarchy. In the mean time, we have successfully used both Adobe Connect and HighDef Conferencing for ExComs and fall training. Objective 9. Identify vice chairs for each Communications sub-committee assignment Metric: Fully functional this year Like all the committees have found, this is easier said than done. We do have active volunteers for each of our sub-committees and a vice chair for the Communications committee. Respectfully submitted, Bill Clayton w.clayton @ 2009 Chair