Evansville-Owensboro Section Report for March 2010 Region 3 Meeting. As submitted by Section Chair, Paul R. Blaylock. There are no items that require R3 attention at this time. Section Activities: We continue to enjoy strong support from our area Universities from both students and faculty. And are exploring ways to increase activities within the technical colleges as well. Member meeting attendance seems to be spotty, although facility tours are always a positive draw and present good outreach opportunities to local businesses. We are trying to combat this by standardizing our meeting schedule and publishing an online calendar of events with longer lead times. Ideally this will mitigate the transient student effects, and improve member planning and communication. Our section helps sponsor the annual the UE Engineer’s Week Banquet, and will continue to do so. The recent closing of Whirlpools Evansville division, and Toyotas difficulties have had an impact on our membership, but the community remains strong. We continue to work on knowing our membership, and defining what our IEEE is through them. Section officers for 2010: Chair: Paul R. Blaylock Vice Chair: Paul A. Kuban Secretary: Brad L. Kicklighter Treasurer: Ronald W. Diersing Webmaster: Addisu Taddese Past Chair: Paul R. Blaylock Respectfully submitted by Paul R. Blaylock, Section Chair -- Paul Blaylock P.E. IEEE Evansville Owensboro Section Chair EvanOwen@ieee.org blaylock@ieee.org http:\\www.ieee-evanowen.org