Region 3 Audit Committee Report 

The Region 3 Audit Committee met on July 23, 2010 in Birmingham, Alabama to review the Region’s Financial Records for 2009 to determine if they accurately reflect the financial condition of Region 3.  The committee members are:  Gregg Vaughn, David A. Conner, and Jon Marstrander. 

Region 3 Treasurer Charles Hickman furnished the financial records which included copies of member expense forms, associated disbursements documents, concentration account reports and other back-up data.  The committee reviewed the L-50 and the IEEE-USA Reports and other receipts for this past year. 

The committee discovered no irregularities and found that all records and documents were in order.  The disbursements and receipts agreed with expense reports and the L-50.  The committee complimented Treasurer Hickman on the organization and completeness of the records.  This organization permitted the audit to be made in a quick and efficient manner. 

Therefore, it is the opinion of this committee that the records accurately show the good financial condition of Region 3 for the year 2009. 

Submitted by: 

Gregg Vaughn

Audit Committee Chair

July 23, 2010